ZeroNetX / ZeroNet

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Multiuser plugin clearnet proxy mod to download zites acces from clearnet and multiuser plugin problems #165

Open mx5kevin opened 2 years ago

mx5kevin commented 2 years ago

The problem: ZeroNet are limited and not allow increase zite limit, add zites in multiuser zites. Another problem the multiuser page not separated from the original user page so not possible use the program in single and multiuser mode at the same time. And not possible to separate those zites what the user are have but does not want to show the users. If multiuser are allowed not possible use the software as private user. Another problem is the user want allow through only localhost the connection and block to directly access the server using his IP address. And want to access using localhost by a onion address or similar network like Lokinet here need to allow only specific IP connection. Web pages do not display correctly in the clearnet search engine through proxy: Page title, description like snippets from the content.

The clearnet proxy mod: Allow a space limit to download zites and files without blocking increase zite limit limitation. When the space limit are full, delete the last zite with the files automatically the program when a new user want download a zite. The setting should apply to those pages what the users are downloaded. This makes the entire contents of zeronet available with a clearnet proxy. Example have a 3 GB space limit. User 1 download a zite with 2GB files. User 2 download a zite with 10 MB files, user 3 download a zite with 2,5 gigabyte of files this point the user 1 downloaded files and zite are deleted. But user 2 files are not until another users are coming. With a minimal disk space limit everyone can access the whole network this way from clearnet. In the proxy promote the users to download the ZeroNet software to fast direct access with a menu what shows in all zite. And a link to allow the user to download the zite with the file as zip file. Zites which the admin are added the are not deleted.

Link each other the multiuser clients in ZeroHello menu when multiuser are enable: In a menu the multiuser clients using clearnet links, and onion links they find each other. Is one client can find google index through with it the another clients. If one multiuser server goes offline like (https :// This way the users can easy way can find another clearnet or onion servers to access the network. And more easy way can index them clearnet search engines this way.