ZeroNetX / ZeroNet

ZeroNetX - Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network
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It should have more features than just fixing bugs #172

Closed sfsfrgrg closed 1 year ago

sfsfrgrg commented 2 years ago

It should have more features than just fixing bugs

sfsfrgrg commented 2 years ago

For example: compatible with Freenet

caryoscelus commented 2 years ago

see for another fork that is (ironically despite the name choice) working on new features

yanmaani commented 2 years ago

Compatibility with Freenet seems pointless. If you want Freenet, why not just install Freenet?

Vote to close.

canewsin commented 2 years ago

First Priority is New ZeroNetX Engine in Rust. Will be ready in 1 or 2 months.