ZeroNetX / ZeroNet

ZeroNetX - Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network
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I'm unable to rejoin ZeroNet. #208

Closed styromaniac closed 1 year ago

styromaniac commented 1 year ago

The download links on the GitHub page are broken (by the way) and there are no trackers in a freshly unarchived ZeroNet install, so the Dashboard and the Config page are unreachable. New users are unable to navigate ZeroNet because of this. Yes, I've tried all of the other forks of ZeroNet. Same problem.

Default trackers should be the ones that you host.

Syncronite will not be updated until this problem is resolved, since I'm unable to use any version of ZeroNet(X/-Conservancy).

canewsin commented 1 year ago

Updated Latest Release with binaries, check now.

styromaniac commented 1 year ago

Updated Latest Release with binaries, check now.

I need a trackers.json filled with some trackers. I don't remember how it's supposed to be formatted. Can you copy your trackers config and paste it here?

canewsin commented 1 year ago

@styromaniac trackers are in this file.

styromaniac commented 1 year ago

@styromaniac trackers are in this file.

Oh. I didn't realize that the Config page is now available. Thank you!