ZeroNetX / ZeroNet

ZeroNetX - Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network
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Can't connect on Ubuntu 22.04 #222

Open hardBSDk opened 8 months ago

hardBSDk commented 8 months ago

I tried everything to make it work on Ubuntu 22.04 (PopOS), it stop on this screen:


I can't connect with Tor (it's installed and the service is running).


slrslr commented 8 months ago

That log file seems incomplete. append this line to zeronet.conf below the line "[global]": log_level = INFO Also try to drag&drop the zeronet button that is in the corner of your image, to show the log too. I would also try in "Tor: available" mode to see if it is working. You have not mentioned which site you are visiting.