ZeroOne3010 / yetanotherhueapi

A Java library for controlling Philips Hue lights. Available from the Maven Central.
MIT License
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hue cannot be resolved to a type #6

Closed DanielBlik closed 5 years ago

DanielBlik commented 5 years ago

i am still a beginner programmer so this issue could be related to me but im getting this problem when im trying to ouput on or off

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: Hue cannot be resolved Hue cannot be resolved to a type Hue cannot be resolved to a type

^^ is the error that im getting

this is my code package Philips_hue;

import java.util.Collection;

import org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage.State;

import Philips_hue.api.*;

public class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { final String bridgeIp = ""; // Fill in the IP address of your Bridge final String apiKey = "k55bmvO5SiJGgc7eFzzvuOTbZv83VEepPm-HIMCm"; // Fill in an API key to access your Bridge final Hue hue = new Hue(bridgeIp, apiKey); final Room room = hue.getRoomByName("Woonkamer").get();


i would appriciate it if you can help me

thanks in advance

ZeroOne3010 commented 5 years ago

You have your import wrong. The package is not Philips_hue.api., it should be `io.github.zeroone3010.yahueapi.`.

DanielBlik commented 5 years ago

ah ok thanks for the help and the library i really respect it that you put in so much work for a library thanks a lot for the help