ZeroPass / dmrtd

Dart library for reading Biometric Passport
43 stars 19 forks source link

Does not work for German passport #18

Open psimatis opened 9 months ago

psimatis commented 9 months ago

Hi and thanks for this project!

Unfortunately, it does not work for German passports. I ran the code, it detects the chip, but then I get an error. I assume they use PACE and not BAC anymore (even though I think they should be backwards compatible), or am I missing something?

smlu commented 9 months ago

Yes you are right, the German passports don't support BAC protocol anymore. Unfortunately this library doesn't support PACE protocol yet, and that's why you probably get an error.

smlu commented 1 month ago

Library now supports PACE protocol (commit be55ab5bef). Please test it and see if you can read German passport now.