ZeroPass / dmrtd

Dart library for reading Biometric Passport
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Security status not satisfied #19

Closed hamidullo7 closed 6 months ago

hamidullo7 commented 6 months ago

Here is my code to read passport data using NFC:

final nfc = NfcProvider(); try { await nfc.connect(iosAlertMessage: "Hold your iPhone near Passport"); final passport = Passport(nfc);

  nfc.setIosAlertMessage("Reading EF.CardAccess...");
  final cardAccess = await passport.readEfCardAccess();

  nfc.setIosAlertMessage("Initiating session...");
  final bacKeySeed = DBAKeys(
      DateTime(1998, DateTime.august, 17),
      DateTime(2027, DateTime.april, 21));
  await passport.startSession(bacKeySeed);

  nfc.setIosAlertMessage("Reading EF.COM...");
  final efcom = await passport.readEfCOM();

  nfc.setIosAlertMessage("Reading Data Groups...");
  EfDG1? dg1;
  if (efcom.dgTags.contains(EfDG1.TAG)) {
    dg1 = await passport.readEfDG1();
  EfDG2 dg2;
  if (efcom.dgTags.contains(EfDG2.TAG)) {
    dg2 = await passport.readEfDG2();
  // You can read other data groups similarly

  nfc.setIosAlertMessage("Reading EF.SOD...");
  final sod = await passport.readEfSOD();

  // You can print or display the data groups as you wish
  // print(dg2.);
} catch (e) {
  print("as87das: $e");
  // Handle errors
} finally {
  await nfc.disconnect();

This line: final cardAccess = await passport.readEfCardAccess(); Gives this error in catch: Security status not satisfied

hamidullo7 commented 6 months ago

It is Uzbekistan passport which has BAC protocol

smlu commented 6 months ago

Does passport supports PACE? Have you tried commenting out the line that line?

hamidullo7 commented 6 months ago

Nope, passport doesn't support PACE, only BAC. Which line do you mean. This error occurs in this line: final cardAccess = await passport.readEfCardAccess();

Do you mean this line?

smlu commented 6 months ago

Yes, line final cardAccess = await passport.readEfCardAccess(); should be commented out. Note, that file EF.CardAccess is only available when PACE protocol is supported by the passport.

hamidullo7 commented 6 months ago

Woow, fantastic! It worked, thanks man!