Open CRImier opened 6 years ago
Questions are:
About workarounds, the main workarounds I currently see are:
For now, the ZeroPhone project will still use the hardware/software as it is (since it's so far the best solution for getting WiFi with a low cost), but will seek solutions and investigate workarounds.
There is this if the ESP was switched to the ESP32. However it still uses the ESP-IDF which is closed source. But at least the ESP code is available.
We're using the esp8089 driver that makes use of the ESP-12 on the ZP front board, turning it into a WiFi card (that is connected through SDIO). This driver loads a binary blob into the ESP-12 (through SDIO), the blob then runs on the ESP CPU, handles the low-level WiFi details and talks to the driver through SDIO. Unfortunately, the sources for the binary blob aren't available - likely because of the Espressif's policy on not exposing the low-level WiFi API in order to prevent their public perception from being tarnished when people use Espressif hardware for malicious purposes, + possible patent issues [1].
Taken from the ESP Everything HackChat transcript, part 2.