ZeroPhone / Discussion-and-Research

General-purpose ZeroPhone discussion (mostly happening in Issues tab)
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Building and distributing ZeroPhone SD card images #6

Open CRImier opened 6 years ago

CRImier commented 6 years ago

As of now, the ZeroPhone SD card image build process is as follows:

  1. A fresh Raspbian Lite image is downloaded from here
  2. It's uploaded onto a 2GB microSD card, the FS is expanded
  3. esp8089 driver, power management script and ZPUI are installed manually, /boot/config.txt additions and raspi-config operations are applied by this manual
  4. The resulting SD card is tested with a ZeroPhone
  5. SDCardDeploy script is ran, dumping an image from the SD card, zipping it up, creating a torrent file and a Wiki description
  6. Torrent file is uploaded to ZeroPhone Wiki, generated description is added to the Downloads page

Steps 1, 2 and 3 could be automated - they require a lot of manual work. For that, we need a way to build our own SD card images automatically - reusing the Raspbian repositories as much as possible, not requiring any kind of powerful&expensive hardware (ideally, it could be built on a x86/amd64 machine, or on a Raspberry Pi 3 if running Raspberry Pi-compiled binaries or compiling for Raspberry Pi is necessary/preferred).

What are our requirements for the image building process?

What might be needed so that image building is more straightforward?

What's needed in general:

Useful links - existing solutions and related materials: