ZeroQI / Absolute-Series-Scanner

Seasons, absolute mode, Subfolders...
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[Enhancement] TVDBID season/ep man offset & ANIDB2 auto offset #46

Closed saitoh183 closed 8 years ago

saitoh183 commented 8 years ago

im experimenting with the TVDB 2,3 settings on my test library and i was wondering if it would be possible to use the season id instead of just the tvdb id for people that have each season as there own show and dont want to group them.

I use Japanese Media Manager for renaming and moving my anime to its final location. It uses anidb as source and uses hash info from file to determine what the show is and where it goes. So this means that shows like SOA/Fate stay night..etc are all in there own folder for each part of the series. Movies are also in there own folder since anidb treats every movie as its own show.

seeing this new way of adding content with the different profiles is a big thing since it doesn't necessitate movie around folder structure (in certain cases) or renaming files to fit tvdb.

Example: here i some test data

My Bakuman is each in its own folder...since tvdb also has season ids, could you do something like Bakuman [tvdb-193811_326091] [tvdb-ShowID_SeasonID]. This would tell scanner that this is season 1 ...Bakuman. (2011) [tvdb-193811_473098] equals season 2 and so on..this could be a tvdb5 :) Of course i dont know what this type of request requires in code change but i thought i would shoot the idea.

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

If your episodes were all in absolute numbering even if they were in their own folder and you use tvdb2, tvdb3, or tvdb4, The scanner would add them into Plex with the tvdb season the absolute numbering episode is in. Plex would then combine them into a single entry as they would all be updated with the same series title.

I do this with:

Dragon Ball Z Kai [tvdb4-88031]
`=- Contains episodes 01->98 which is season 1/2/3/4
Dragon Ball Z Kai - The Final Chapters [tvdb4-88031]
`=- Contains episodes 99->159 which is season 5/6

So even though they are in separate folders, they are all using the abs numbers for file naming and all gets combined into a single Plex entry after inital metadata load (which usually needs a manual refresh post everything is combined for it to see everything in a single refresh). image

So as long as your first episode in your "Bakuman. (2011)" folder actually started numbering at 26, the scanner will see it needing to be added as a season 2 episode assuming you use either of the tvdb2/3/4 modes.

If your setup cannot name the files as their absolute episode number and each folder starts back as episode 1, I can see where there will be an issue as all scanner modes will see ep1 as a season 1.

If we would want to consider having the season defined also in the id as you suggested, you do add some risk of metadata not being loaded/found. For instance when you say something should be season 2 but tvdb has only one season. Like "Seraph of the End" (the reason tvdb4 was created where we disagree with the tvdb defined seasons) as the anidb "Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign" second season does not exist in tvdb. Or if you say season 1 is ep1-13 but tvdb has season 1 as ep1-12 (so no meta for ep13).

I see a possibility of doing two things to the base 'tvdb' mode (not the abs ep number modes) that could help you in your setup: (1) A season flag (would not use the tvdb season id as that would have to be interpreted) where the season number is just stated as ep1 would be added into Plex as s2e1 if a season flag of '2' was seen (if it was not in a season folder) (2) A episode offset flag (like SotE) where ep1 file would be added into plex as ep13 if an offset flag of '12' was seen. (if it was not in a season folder)

ZeroQI commented 8 years ago

Why not using the anidb id then? This convoluted way seem resolved that way... " [anidb-7251]" for bakuman " [anidb-8150]" for bakuman 2011 " [anidb-8836]" for bakuman 2012

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

But they would all be three separate entries in Plex instead of one.

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

With the above enhancements it could all be added into Plex and seen as a single tvdb entry using the season flag. " [tvdb-193811]" for Bakuman " [tvdb-193811] [tvdb-s2]" for Bakuman 2011 " [tvdb-193811] [tvdb-s3]" for Bakuman 2012 (not set on this flag naming yet)

This would end up being seen as the same as season folder separated tvdb folders Bakuman [tvdb-193811]/Season 1 (Bakuman) Bakuman [tvdb-193811]/Season 2 (Bakuman 2011) Bakuman [tvdb-193811]/Season 3 (Bakuman 2012)

ZeroQI commented 8 years ago

Realised too late and phone didnt let me edit poat and thought the time diff in us would let me go into work to edit

Make that a anidb2 mode which will use scudlee's mapping file to change season and ep number to match tvdb and transform id into tvdb one On 5 Jul 2016 08:42, "EndOfLine369" wrote:

But they would all be three separate entries in Plex instead of one.

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EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

That would indeed essentially be what my above would require them to do manually. (manually placing the scudlee setup) I had thought about that, as it would be having to pull down the scudlee file each time, which you originally said no to when I was first creating the abs numbering setup for tvdb2/3.

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

I think your main objection was mainly having to pull the file each time being the size it is. We could possibly look at shoving the file into the root. And if it is not seen at Search root (pull it), seen but older than 1 day (pull it), else (use what is there).

ZeroQI commented 8 years ago

I agree that metadata without having to bend the file naming is admirable and kinda one of the scanner specificities.

The metadata ID used needs to be the tvdb since it will be grouped, It would be extremely convoluted to pass the anidbid to find back the tvdb one from the mapping....

Your season flag suggestion is actually brilliant:


saitoh183 commented 8 years ago

@EndOfLine369 & @ZeroQI Glad my idea sparked some creative thinking :) Would this also allow special/Movies that are in there own folder to be scaned into the proper series without having to move/rename the physical file?

Example: Bleach 1-366 in its own folder and Bleach movie 1/2/3 in there own folders

Plex result: Bleach/Season 1 (1-366) Bleach/Special or Season 0/Movie 1/2/3


My problem is that each series of Bakuman starts at ep 1 in abs num. So what you posted doesnt work for me

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

@ZeroQI, so the breakdown read is:

---- starts at s0eY and then goes up from there if there is more than one episode in the folder
---- episode numbers found in the files are left alone and just added to season X
---- not possible for tvdb3/4 as we have to know the starting episode number for that season
---- episode numbers found in the files are adjusted (epNum+Z-1) and added to season X
---- Z is the offset for the episodes in season X for when we want it to start mid tvdb season
---- episode numbers found in the files are adjusted (epNum+ZZ-1) and added to season X
---- ZZ is the absolute number of the first episode in season X + any additional offset (ex: Z)
ZeroQI commented 8 years ago

@EndOfLine369: Exactly, but I would extract the mapping first to keep the id ready for the end and apply processing to all tvdb modes, so we basically have just have two mapping, season and season+offset:


Exemples in their own folders for Bleach:

Bleach already works with tvdb id necessary as guid, just need to implement specials mapping on same tvdbid, should allow quick testing once sterd to be coded...

saitoh183 commented 8 years ago


So when its a special, we have to actually put the season and eps the movie refers too? Would [tvdb/2-dddd-sX] ---- episode numbers found in the files are left alone and just added to season X

apply to this...if implemented?

Also on a side note where do i put the tvdb4 files in plex...Same location as scanner?

ZeroQI commented 8 years ago

@saitoh183 the scanner is a serie scanner. Yes you will need to specify the season and eps the movie(or serie episodes) they refers too in thetvdb as we want to avoid loading the mapping file and anidbid for each folder processed. also, this allow hte most flexibility in case the files are not in mapping file

If you put no ep number, the movie will be s01e01 (or s00e01 if you specify season 0)

The id file goes:

saitoh183 commented 8 years ago


Ah i undertsand

Sorry i meant the tvdb4.mapping.xml and tvdb4.poster.xml...where do these go

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

@saitoh183 You don't place those anywhere. If you don't create and define your own 'tvdb4.mapping' file in the series folder using tvdb4, ASS/HAMA references those automatically online for info.

saitoh183 commented 8 years ago

@EndOfLine369 Ah!...was trying to find the info on that...thanks

ZeroQI commented 8 years ago

If something is not clear in the readme, please suggest modifications

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

@saitoh183 Did you just see the files in the repo and was just trying to find out what needs to be done with them? Or was there info in the readme that was misleading?

saitoh183 commented 8 years ago

I think what was confusing is that when you download the scanner, those files are there. Maybe seperate them from the scanner to avoid confusion for new people. Just like hama is separated from scanner. Basically those online xml files will be a bit like scudlee mapping file as time goes on.

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

Got this mostly coded and tested. Even made it where if tvdb3/4 they don't even have to find the abs offset. All tvdb modes they can use that season's episode offset. Boiled down to:

---- episode numbers found in the files are left alone and added to season X
---- episode numbers found in the files are adjusted (epNum+Y-1)
---- episode numbers found in the files are adjusted (epNum+Y-1) and added to season X
---- Y is the offset for the episodes in season X for when we want it to start mid tvdb season
EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

@ZeroQI Here is what I have. Testing seems good. Can you please peer review and see what you think. (last revision) 'tvdb' & 'tvdb2' should be interchangeable as well as 'tvdb3' & 'tvdb4'. But the two groups cannot be intermingled as mode 3/4 use abs numbering for all episodes no mater what season they are in while 1/2 do not so metadata will have issues if done.

@saitoh183 If you want to test this as well, feel free. :smile: For your Bakuman, you would just need to use these mode labels: Bakuman -> "[tvdb-193811]" or "[tvdb-193811-s1]" Bakuman 2011 -> "[tvdb-193811-s2]" Bakuman 2012 -> "[tvdb-193811-s3]"

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

EX: image



EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

@ZeroQI I still think i will also look to instate the 'anidb2' mode. That way people don't even have to think about (1) the tvdb number (2) the offset needed.

Bakuman [anidb2-7251]       =  Bakuman [tvdb-193811-s1]
Bakuman 2011 [anidb2-8150]  =  Bakuman 2011 [tvdb-193811-s2]
Bakuman 2012 [anidb2-8836]  =  Bakuman 2012 [tvdb-193811-s3]

We can look at shoving the scudlee file in a Python tempfile, don't have it deleted, then find it next run. Python Commands:

import os
import tempfile
tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
temp_filename =
scudlee_filename = temp_filename.replace(os.path.basename(temp_filename), 'anime-list-master.xml')
if not os.path.exists(scudlee_filename):
  os.rename(temp_filename, scudlee_filename)
  print("Created: "+ scudlee_filename)
  print("Exists: " + scudlee_filename)


[bash]# python
Created: /tmp/anime-list-master.xml
[bash]# python
Exists: /tmp/anime-list-master.xml


PS C:\Users\abc> python
Created: C:\Users\abc\AppData\Local\Temp\anime-list-master.xml
PS C:\Users\abc> python
Exists: C:\Users\abc\AppData\Local\Temp\anime-list-master.xml

If it is not seen (pull it), seen but older than 1 day (pull it), else (use what is there).

ZeroQI commented 8 years ago

EndOfLine369 Wow look nice. i think i saw all of my fixes in there.

yes anidb id is cooler but we need the mapping in the scanner, and i would have put it in the agent data folder (maybe use the path from logs and go back into agent data folders from there) but i quite like your solution, didn't know it was possible :D

On holidays in france for nephew's wedding before he goes back to china (masters of quantum physics). should have more time by monday when gf goes back to ireland.

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

Done. (last 2 revision)




Plex Media Scanner (custom ASS).txt

saitoh183 commented 8 years ago

Awsome! I will try to give it try as soon as i can.

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

Possible issue in any specials under 'anidb2' as the source has to be changed to 'tvdb'. This is required as if not changed over, Plex will not group them together once metadata is loaded as the titles do not match. Even if they somehow do get merged, there would still be an issue as it would still hit the multi season section and used TVDB info anyway.

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

Got it working.


<anime anidbid="9484" tvdbid="114921" defaulttvdbseason="2" episodeoffset="" tmdbid="" imdbid="">
<name>Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S</name>
<mapping anidbseason="0" tvdbseason="0">;1-7;2-8;3-0;4-0;</mapping>

Ignore the 'Sailor Moon Crystal' naming, the correct anidbid is used in the folder name.

2016-07-18 00:10:47 =============================================================================================================================================================
2016-07-18 00:10:47 Scanner call - root: '/share/Anime2/t1', path: 'Sailor Moon Crystal [anidb2-9484]', dirs: '0', files: '42'
2016-07-18 00:10:47 =============================================================================================================================================================
2016-07-18 00:10:47 Exists: /root/Library/tmp/ASS-tmp-anime-list-master.xml
2016-07-18 00:10:48 anidbTvdbMapping() - anidb: '9484', tvbdid: '114921', defaulttvdbseason: '2', name: 'Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S'
2016-07-18 00:10:48 mappingList: {'s0e4': 's0e0', 's0e1': 's0e7', 's0e2': 's0e8', 's0e3': 's0e0', 'episodeoffset': ''}
2016-07-18 00:10:48 Old: s0e01->None, New: s0e7->None
2016-07-18 00:10:48 "Sailor Moon Crystal [tvdb-114921]" s0000e007 "0x01.mkv" "0"
2016-07-18 00:10:48 Old: s0e02->None, New: s0e8->None
2016-07-18 00:10:48 "Sailor Moon Crystal [tvdb-114921]" s0000e008 "0x02.mkv" "0"
2016-07-18 00:10:48 "Sailor Moon Crystal [tvdb-114921]" s0000e005 "0x05.mkv" "0"
2016-07-18 00:10:48 Old: s1e1->None, New: s2e1->None
2016-07-18 00:10:48 "Sailor Moon Crystal [tvdb-114921]" s0002e001 "Sailor Moon Crystal - 1 - Act 1. Usagi ~Sailor Moon~.mkv" "3" "Act 1 Usagi Sailor Moon"
2016-07-18 00:10:48 Old: s1e2->None, New: s2e2->None
2016-07-18 00:10:48 "Sailor Moon Crystal [tvdb-114921]" s0002e002 "Sailor Moon Crystal - 2 - Act 2. Ami ~Sailor Mercury~.mkv" "3" "Act 2 Ami Sailor Mercury"
2016-07-18 00:10:48 Old: s1e3->None, New: s2e3->None
2016-07-18 00:10:48 "Sailor Moon Crystal [tvdb-114921]" s0002e003 "Sailor Moon Crystal - 3 - Act 3. Rei ~Sailor Mars~.mkv" "3" "Act 3 Rei Sailor Mars"

Also, here is proof that even if the SchdLee local file exists but is old it will re-pull/dump the file.

2016-07-17 22:21:28 =============================================================================================================================================================
2016-07-17 22:21:28 Scanner call - root: '/share/Anime2/t1', path: 'Bakuman 2012 [anidb2-8836]', dirs: '0', files: '25'
2016-07-17 22:21:28 =============================================================================================================================================================
2016-07-17 22:21:28 Exists: /root/Library/tmp/ASS-tmp-anime-list-master.xml
2016-07-17 22:21:28 Dumping: '' into '/root/Library/tmp/ASS-tmp-anime-list-master.xml'
ZeroQI commented 8 years ago

very very nice and perfectly documented as always @EndOfLine369 . i would however put a single line per file in logs and add Old: s1e1->None, at the end. i can ensure a line per file makes logs clearer and aligned beautifully.

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

Planned on commenting that log line out. I have it printing now as proof it's doing what it should.

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

Found issues with the github file now at this time. Reworked the url pull logic to better catch issues. Also moved the offset piece into add_episode_into_plex with a post if the original episode info if updated from any piece of mapping/offset/etc.


2016-07-19 02:28:48 Error downloading ScudLee's file from GitHub ''
2016-07-19 02:28:48 <urlopen error [Errno 1] _ssl.c:504: error:14077438:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert internal error>

# wget
ERROR: cannot verify's certificate, issued by ‘/C=GB/ST=Greater Manchester/L=Salford/O=COMODO CA Limited/CN=COMODO ECC Domain Validation Secure Server CA 2’:
  Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.
To connect to insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.
ZeroQI commented 8 years ago

@saitoh183: This should be solved with latest fix on Master

Could you confirm ?

saitoh183 commented 8 years ago


I havent had time as of late...but i will tomorrow for sure

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

Updated ASS Gist for the needed https->http (and a couple other things)

2016-07-23 00:30:06 =============================================================================================================================================================
2016-07-23 00:30:06 Scanner call - root: '/share/Anime2/t1', path: 'Sailor Moon Crystal  [anidb2-9162]', dirs: '0', files: '42'
2016-07-23 00:30:06 =============================================================================================================================================================
2016-07-23 00:30:06 Creating: /root/Library/tmp/ASS-tmp-anime-list-master.xml
2016-07-23 00:30:07 anidbTvdbMapping() - anidb: '9162', tvbdid: '81831', defaulttvdbseason: '0', name: 'To Love-Ru: Trouble - Darkness OAD'
2016-07-23 00:30:07 mappingList: {'s1e3': 's0e9', 's1e2': 's0e8', 's1e1': 's0e7', 's1e4': 's0e10', 'episodeoffset': ''}
2016-07-23 00:30:07 "Sailor Moon Crystal  [tvdb-81831]" s0000e001 "0x01.mkv" "0"
2016-07-23 00:30:07 "Sailor Moon Crystal  [tvdb-81831]" s0000e002 "0x02.mkv" "0"
2016-07-23 00:30:07 "Sailor Moon Crystal  [tvdb-81831]" s0000e005 "0x05.mkv" "0"
2016-07-23 00:30:07 "Sailor Moon Crystal  [tvdb-81831]" s0000e007 (Orig: s1e1) "Sailor Moon Crystal - 1 - Act 1. Usagi ~Sailor Moon~.mkv" "3" "Act 1 Usagi Sailor Moon"
saitoh183 commented 8 years ago

@ZeroQI @EndOfLine369

So what do i download to test? ASS Gist or/and + ASS Master?

saitoh183 commented 8 years ago

So i used latest GIST + redownloaded Hama Bundle

Added Bakuman and everything stayed under the same season


image image


EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

Using your above setup, I was able to get it loaded fine. Please provide your ASS log. "Plex Media Scanner (custom ASS).log"

2016-07-23 18:15:53 =============================================================================================================================================================
2016-07-23 18:15:53 Scanner call - root: '/share/Anime2/t1', path: 'Bakuman 2011 [tvdb-193811-s2]', dirs: '0', files: '26'
2016-07-23 18:15:53 =============================================================================================================================================================
2016-07-23 18:15:53 offset_season = 1, offset_episode = 0
2016-07-23 18:15:53 "Bakuman 2011 [tvdb-193811]" s0000e001 "0x01.avi" "0"
2016-07-23 18:15:53 "Bakuman 2011 [tvdb-193811]" s0002e001 (Orig: s1e1) "1.avi"
2016-07-23 18:15:53 "Bakuman 2011 [tvdb-193811]" s0002e002 (Orig: s1e2) "2.avi"
2016-07-23 18:15:53 "Bakuman 2011 [tvdb-193811]" s0002e003 (Orig: s1e3) "3.avi"
2016-07-23 18:15:55 =============================================================================================================================================================
2016-07-23 18:15:55 Scanner call - root: '/share/Anime2/t1', path: 'Bakuman [tvdb2-193811]', dirs: '0', files: '25'
2016-07-23 18:15:55 =============================================================================================================================================================
2016-07-23 18:15:55 folder_show: 'Bakuman [tvdb2-193811]', folder_season: 'None', tvdb mode: '2', tvdb id: '193811'
2016-07-23 18:15:55 TVDB season mode (2) enabled, serie url: ''
2016-07-23 18:15:56 abs_manual_placement_worked, abs_manual_placement_info: '[]'
2016-07-23 18:15:56 unknown_series_length: False, tvdb_mapping: {1: (1, 1), 2: (1, 2), 3: (1, 3), 4: (1, 4), 5: (1, 5), 6: (1, 6), 7: (1, 7), 8: (1, 8), 9: (1, 9), 10: (1, 10), 11: (1, 11), 12: (1, 12), 13: (1, 13), 14: (1, 14), 15: (1, 15), 16: (1, 16), 17: (1, 17), 18: (1, 18), 19: (1, 19), 20: (1, 20), 21: (1, 21), 22: (1, 22), 23: (1, 23), 24: (1, 24), 25: (1, 25), 26: (2, 1), 27: (2, 2), 28: (2, 3), 29: (2, 4), 30: (2, 5), 31: (2, 6), 32: (2, 7), 33: (2, 8), 34: (2, 9), 35: (2, 10), 36: (2, 11), 37: (2, 12), 38: (2, 13), 39: (2, 14), 40: (2, 15), 41: (2, 16), 42: (2, 17), 43: (2, 18), 44: (2, 19), 45: (2, 20), 46: (2, 21), 47: (2, 22), 48: (2, 23), 49: (2, 24), 50: (2, 25), 51: (3, 1), 52: (3, 2), 53: (3, 3), 54: (3, 4), 55: (3, 5), 56: (3, 6), 57: (3, 7), 58: (3, 8), 59: (3, 9), 60: (3, 10), 61: (3, 11), 62: (3, 12), 63: (3, 13), 64: (3, 14), 65: (3, 15), 66: (3, 16), 67: (3, 17), 68: (3, 18), 69: (3, 19), 70: (3, 20), 71: (3, 21), 72: (3, 22), 73: (3, 23), 74: (3, 24), 75: (3, 25)}
2016-07-23 18:15:56 "Bakuman [tvdb2-193811]" s0001e001 "1.avi"
2016-07-23 18:15:56 "Bakuman [tvdb2-193811]" s0001e002 "2.avi"
2016-07-23 18:15:56 "Bakuman [tvdb2-193811]" s0001e003 "3.avi"
2016-07-23 18:15:59 =============================================================================================================================================================
2016-07-23 18:15:59 Scanner call - root: '/share/Anime2/t1', path: 'Bakuman 2012 [tvdb-193811-s3]', dirs: '0', files: '25'
2016-07-23 18:15:59 =============================================================================================================================================================
2016-07-23 18:15:59 offset_season = 2, offset_episode = 0
2016-07-23 18:15:59 "Bakuman 2012 [tvdb-193811]" s0003e001 (Orig: s1e1) "1.avi"
2016-07-23 18:15:59 "Bakuman 2012 [tvdb-193811]" s0003e002 (Orig: s1e2) "2.avi"
2016-07-23 18:15:59 "Bakuman 2012 [tvdb-193811]" s0003e003 (Orig: s1e3) "3.avi"
EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

And in your question of setup, HAMA updates have no impact to this enhancement. Just use my Gist for your scanner python file. "Absolute Series"

saitoh183 commented 8 years ago

ok..weird result...Season 1 an 0 are there own show and 2 and 3 are another

image image image



EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

Log looks fine. You probably just have to manually merge them as it was not automatically done.

Example of where all three seasons are not merged. 1) Turn on selection 2) Select all series you need to merge 3) Select to merge them into one series image

Once they are merged, you will need to manually refresh the metadata to get all data properly loaded as data is not there for the series that were merged. image


saitoh183 commented 8 years ago

i figured out why it did that...bakuman was on tvdb2 instead of tvdb

EndOfLine369 commented 8 years ago

Naw. By changing 'tvdb2' to 'tvdb' and rescanning, you just triggered it to reattempt a merge automatically. 'tvdb' & 'tvdb2' work together in this setup.

saitoh183 commented 8 years ago tested by completely removing the library and adding the library a new. Changing it to tvdb before adding the library back, merge everything... but if i name it with tvdb2, i get separation

saitoh183 commented 8 years ago

Quick question, how would Black lagoon work with this? Since its all 1 season for all 3 parts of the series? Roberta is a special, and barrage is the second half of season 1? would it be with tvdb2?

And also anime like bleach that each special is a movie that is in its own folder? and those movies are all eps 01 since they are in there own folder.

sven-7 commented 8 years ago

I found the best way to organize Black Lagoon is tvdb4. It's one of the pre-defined shows in the scanner's TVDB4 mode already.

screen shot 2016-07-24 at 8 01 05 pm
saitoh183 commented 8 years ago


Thanks for that.. I guess I will have to play with tvdb4 more...but what about bleach movies? Could tvdb4 be used for them? I think the problem is the fact that all the movies are eps1

sven-7 commented 8 years ago

tvdb4 is pretty useful when you can't quite make it work. That being said, I've not experimented around with it using a Season 0. @EndOfLine369 -- do you know if this would work? I don't believe that was talked about at all when tvdb4 was developed.

saitoh183 commented 8 years ago

Ok... Cuz for the only issue I see right now is movies that are considered special in tvdb. And since all movies are eps 1, you would end up with eps1 with multiple files in it

sven-7 commented 8 years ago


You could use tvdb3 potentially. All the episodes would split up nicely into seasons. Do this with absolute numbering.

Then for the movies, in the same folder, label them as they are in TVDB with a seasonxep or S00E00 format:

"Bleach - 0x1 - memories in the rain" "Bleach - 0x2 - the sealed sword frenzy"

Etc... If you do that, you'll end up with all the movies in the Specials folder.

saitoh183 commented 8 years ago

True but it's more about finding a solution (if possible) that doesn't require the modification of the file. Because in my case,i use Japanese media manager to rename and move my anime into my anime root and since it uses anidb, movies are in there own folder. Could using the name of the file when it comes to specials be possible along side the eps number?