ZeroQI / Hama.bundle

Plex HTTP Anidb Metadata Agent (HAMA)
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.19k stars 110 forks source link

Series not getting episode names and posters from thetvdb #134

Closed mikethecalamity closed 6 years ago

mikethecalamity commented 6 years ago

The series Blood Blockade Battlefront (anidb ID: 10663) is not getting its series name, episode names, and posters from thetvdb. I used the "Match..." to do the scanning since the series was already in my library (with no metadata).

I am using Hama/Scanner version:

ZeroQI commented 6 years ago

logs? they will be in agent data folders sorted per series (scanner + agent logs grouped), but there may be bugs when they are not created...

mikethecalamity commented 6 years ago

All I have is the Hama log (com.plexapp.agents.hama.log), it doesn't look like the Scanner was called. Here is the Hama log:

2017-07-31 23:13:48,865 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /:/plugins/com.plexapp.agents.hama/messaging/function/X0FnZW50S2l0OlNlYXJjaA__/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmxpc3QKMApyMAo_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_
2017-07-31 23:13:48,945 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /:/plugins/com.plexapp.agents.hama/messaging/function/X0FnZW50S2l0OlNlYXJjaA__/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmxpc3QKMApyMAo_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_
2017-07-31 23:13:48,948 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (agentkit:957) - Searching for matches for {'openSubtitlesHash': 'f6aed2f2731e86c1', 'episode': '12', 'name': 'Hello, World!', 'episodic': '1', 'show': 'Blood Blockade Battlefront', 'season': '1', 'plexHash': 'acf05d16fb50e22c20ef870091eba3c2a833c0c1', 'filename': '%2Fvolume1%2FUser%2EVideo%2FAnime%2FBlood%20Blockade%20Battlefront%2FBlood%20Blockade%20Battlefront%20-%2012%20-%20Hello%2C%20World!%2Emkv', 'year': None, 'duration': '2761225', 'id': '402613'}
2017-07-31 23:13:48,952 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (networking:166) - Requesting ''
2017-07-31 23:13:49,143 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:64) - === Search ============================================================================================================
2017-07-31 23:13:49,155 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:64) - Title: 'Blood Blockade Battlefront', name: 'Hello, World!', filename: '%2Fvolume1%2FUser%2EVideo%2FAnime%2FBlood%20Blockade%20Battlefront%2FBlood%20Blockade%20Battlefront%20-%2012%20-%20Hello%2C%20World!%2Emkv', manual: 'True', year: 'None'
2017-07-31 23:13:49,173 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:214) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-31 23:13:49,174 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:215) - AniDB.Search() - orig_title: 'Blood Blockade Battlefront', orig_title_cleansed: 'blood blockade battlefront'
2017-07-31 23:13:50,712 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:234) - [+] score: 100, aid: 10663, title: 'Blood Blockade Battlefront', title_cleansed: Blood Blockade Battlefront
2017-07-31 23:13:50,717 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:234) - [+] score:  71, aid: 12571, title: 'Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond', title_cleansed: blood blockade battlefront & beyond
2017-07-31 23:13:50,717 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:236) - [=] best_score: 100, best_aid: 10663, best_title: Blood Blockade Battlefront
2017-07-31 23:13:50,718 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:237) - elapsed_time: 1.544
2017-07-31 23:13:50,719 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:67) - =============================================================================================================================================================
2017-07-31 23:13:50,719 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:68) - 
2017-07-31 23:13:50,723 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (runtime:88) - Sending packed state data (104 bytes)
2017-07-31 23:13:50,724 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (runtime:924) - Response: [200] str, 1040 bytes
2017-07-31 23:13:53,454 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /:/plugins/com.plexapp.agents.hama/messaging/function/X0FnZW50S2l0OlVwZGF0ZU1ldGFkYXRh/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmxpc3QKMApyMAo_/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMTAKczIKZW5zNApsYW5nYjFzNQpmb3JjZWIwczgKcGVyaW9kaWNzNgo0MDI2MTNzNApkYmlkaTAKczcKdmVyc2lvbm5zMTAKcGFyZW50R1VJRG5zOApwYXJlbnRJRHM3ClRWX1Nob3dzMTAKbWVkaWFfdHlwZXM0NQpjb20ucGxleGFwcC5hZ2VudHMuaGFtYTovL2FuaWRiLTEwNjYzP2xhbmc9ZW5zNApndWlkczExCmFuaWRiLTEwNjYzczIKaWRyMAo_
2017-07-31 23:13:53,458 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /:/plugins/com.plexapp.agents.hama/messaging/function/X0FnZW50S2l0OlVwZGF0ZU1ldGFkYXRh/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmxpc3QKMApyMAo_/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMTAKczIKZW5zNApsYW5nYjFzNQpmb3JjZWIwczgKcGVyaW9kaWNzNgo0MDI2MTNzNApkYmlkaTAKczcKdmVyc2lvbm5zMTAKcGFyZW50R1VJRG5zOApwYXJlbnRJRHM3ClRWX1Nob3dzMTAKbWVkaWFfdHlwZXM0NQpjb20ucGxleGFwcC5hZ2VudHMuaGFtYTovL2FuaWRiLTEwNjYzP2xhbmc9ZW5zNApndWlkczExCmFuaWRiLTEwNjYzczIKaWRyMAo_
2017-07-31 23:13:53,460 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (model:32) - Loading model with GUID com.plexapp.agents.hama://anidb-10663?lang=en
2017-07-31 23:13:53,466 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (model:234) - Deserializing from /volume1/Plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata/TV Shows/f/68c748c32db81ed5254f07cf4ba7c25b971a514.bundle/Contents/com.plexapp.agents.hama/Info.xml
2017-07-31 23:13:53,656 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (networking:166) - Requesting ''
2017-07-31 23:13:53,698 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:82) - === Update ==================================================================================================================================================
2017-07-31 23:13:53,698 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:83) - id: anidb-10663, title: Kekkai Sensen, lang: en, force: True, movie: False
2017-07-31 23:13:53,699 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:84) - =============================================================================================================================================================
2017-07-31 23:13:53,700 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:86) - Update() - /volume1/User.Video/Anime/Blood Blockade Battlefront/Blood Blockade Battlefront - S1 - Even These Are The Worst And The Best Days Ever.mkv
2017-07-31 23:13:53,700 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:86) - Update() - /volume1/User.Video/Anime/Blood Blockade Battlefront/Blood Blockade Battlefront - 01 - Secret Society of The Magic-Sealed City.mkv
2017-07-31 23:13:53,701 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:86) - Update() - /volume1/User.Video/Anime/Blood Blockade Battlefront/Blood Blockade Battlefront - 10 - Run! Lunch!! Run!!! To The End..mkv
2017-07-31 23:13:53,702 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:86) - Update() - /volume1/User.Video/Anime/Blood Blockade Battlefront/Blood Blockade Battlefront - 11 - Paint It Black.mkv
2017-07-31 23:13:53,702 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:86) - Update() - /volume1/User.Video/Anime/Blood Blockade Battlefront/Blood Blockade Battlefront - 12 - Hello, World!.mkv
2017-07-31 23:13:53,703 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:86) - Update() - /volume1/User.Video/Anime/Blood Blockade Battlefront/Blood Blockade Battlefront - 02 - Get That Phantom Ghost Wagon.mkv
2017-07-31 23:13:53,703 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:86) - Update() - /volume1/User.Video/Anime/Blood Blockade Battlefront/Blood Blockade Battlefront - 03 - A Game Between Two Worlds.mkv
2017-07-31 23:13:53,704 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:86) - Update() - /volume1/User.Video/Anime/Blood Blockade Battlefront/Blood Blockade Battlefront - 04 - Blood Line Fever.mkv
2017-07-31 23:13:53,705 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:86) - Update() - /volume1/User.Video/Anime/Blood Blockade Battlefront/Blood Blockade Battlefront - 05 - The Tremorous Blood Hammer.mkv
2017-07-31 23:13:53,705 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:86) - Update() - /volume1/User.Video/Anime/Blood Blockade Battlefront/Blood Blockade Battlefront - 06 - Don't Forget To Don't Forget Me.mkv
2017-07-31 23:13:53,706 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:86) - Update() - /volume1/User.Video/Anime/Blood Blockade Battlefront/Blood Blockade Battlefront - 07 - A No-Holds-Barred Eden.mkv
2017-07-31 23:13:53,706 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:86) - Update() - /volume1/User.Video/Anime/Blood Blockade Battlefront/Blood Blockade Battlefront - 08 - Z's Longest Day (Part 1).mkv
2017-07-31 23:13:53,707 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:86) - Update() - /volume1/User.Video/Anime/Blood Blockade Battlefront/Blood Blockade Battlefront - 09 - Z's Longest Day (Part 2).mkv
2017-07-31 23:13:53,708 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AnimeLists:49) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-31 23:13:53,708 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AnimeLists:53) - AnimeLists.GetMetadata() - source: anidb, id: 10663, AniDB_id: 10663, TVDB_id: 
2017-07-31 23:13:53,742 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AnimeLists:70) - AnimeLists.GetMetadata() - Loading local custom mapping - url: /volume1/Plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/DataItems/anime-list-corrections.xml
2017-07-31 23:13:53,758 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AnimeLists:17) - MergeMaps() - AniDBids concerned: ['9227', '10008', '10009']
2017-07-31 23:13:54,469 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AnimeLists:84) - [!] AniDBid: 10663, TVDBid: 289886, mappingList['defaulttvdbseason']: 1, anidb season mapped: True
2017-07-31 23:13:54,471 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AnimeLists:102) - AnimeLists.GetMetadata() - anidb: '10663', tvbdid: '289886', tmdbid: '', imbdid: '', defaulttvdbseason: '1', name: 'Kekkai Sensen'
2017-07-31 23:13:54,489 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:25) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-31 23:13:54,489 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:26) - AniDB.GetMetadata() - AniDBid: '10663'
2017-07-31 23:13:54,502 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:210) - common.LoadFile() - CacheTime: 'Sun Jul 30 17:44:45 2017', Limit: 'Mon Jul 24 23:13:54 2017', url: '', Filename: 'AniDB/xml/10663.xml' loaded from cache
2017-07-31 23:13:54,508 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:132) - AniDB.GetMetadata() - 'title': Kekkai Sensen, 'title_sort': Kekkai Sensen, original_title: Kekkai Sensen
2017-07-31 23:13:54,509 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:132) - AniDB.GetMetadata() - 'originally_available_at': '2015-04-05'
2017-07-31 23:13:54,512 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:132) - AniDB.GetMetadata() - 'summary' empty: 'False'
2017-07-31 23:13:54,514 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:132) - AniDB.GetMetadata() - 'rating': '5.43'
2017-07-31 23:13:54,541 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:132) - AniDB.GetMetadata() - 'genre' (14/33 above 200 weight): ['Vampire', 'Magic', 'Martial arts', 'Fantasy world', 'Earth', 'New york', 'United states', 'Americas', 'Parallel universe', 'Action', 'Science fiction', 'Fantasy', 'Comedy', 'Disaster']
2017-07-31 23:13:54,541 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:132) - AniDB.GetMetadata() - collections
2017-07-31 23:13:54,550 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:132) - AniDBid is not part of any collection, related_anime_list: '{'11889': (0, ''), '12571': (0, ''), '10663': ('1', '')}'
2017-07-31 23:13:54,551 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:132) - AniDB.GetMetadata() - Fields: 'studio', 'directors', 'writers'
2017-07-31 23:13:54,563 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:134) - [!] Episode: s0e151 missing, epNumType: 3
2017-07-31 23:13:54,565 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:134) - [!] Episode: s0e101 missing, epNumType: 3
2017-07-31 23:13:54,586 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:134) - [!] Episode: s0e2 missing, epNumType: 2
2017-07-31 23:13:54,587 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:138) - AniDB.get_metadata() - Duration: 325, numEpisodes: 12, average duration: 27
2017-07-31 23:13:54,589 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (AniDB:166) - AniDB.get_metadata() - ANNid: '16340', MALid: '24439', xml loaded: 'True'
2017-07-31 23:13:54,590 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (TheTVDB:18) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-31 23:13:54,591 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (TheTVDB:19) - TheTVDB.GetMetadata() - TVDBid: '289886', IMDbid: ''
2017-07-31 23:13:54,608 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:210) - common.LoadFile() - CacheTime: 'Sun Jul 30 17:44:45 2017', Limit: 'Mon Jul 17 23:13:54 2017', url: '', Filename: 'TheTVDB/xml/289886.xml' loaded from cache
2017-07-31 23:13:54,610 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:210) - corrupted xml
2017-07-31 23:13:54,613 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:210) - still corrupted xml after normalization
2017-07-31 23:13:54,614 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (TheMovieDb:23) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-31 23:13:54,614 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (TheMovieDb:24) - TheMovieDb.GetMetadata() - TVDBid: 289886, TMDbid: , IMDbid: 
2017-07-31 23:13:54,680 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:210) - common.LoadFile() - CacheTime: 'Sun Jul 30 17:44:45 2017', Limit: 'Mon Jul 24 23:13:54 2017', url: ',credits,trailers,external_ids&language=en', Filename: 'TheMovieDb/json/TVDB-289886.json' loaded from cache
2017-07-31 23:13:54,690 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:210) - common.LoadFile() - CacheTime: 'Sun Jul 30 17:44:45 2017', Limit: 'Sat Jul  1 23:13:54 2017', url: '', Filename: 'TheMovieDb/TMDB_CONFIG_URL.json' loaded from cache
2017-07-31 23:13:54,691 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (TheMovieDb:62) - TheMovieDb.GetMetadata() - TMDbid: '', TSDbid: '62327', IMDbid: ''
2017-07-31 23:13:54,692 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (FanartTV:17) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-31 23:13:54,693 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (FanartTV:18) - FanartTv.GetMetadata() - movie:'False', TVDBid: '289886', tmdbid: '', imdbid:'', season: '0', num: '100'
2017-07-31 23:13:54,694 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (Plex:18) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-31 23:13:54,695 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (Plex:22) - Plex.GetMetadata() - Prefs['themes']: 'TVTunes, Plex, TVDBid: '289886', result code: 'True', url: ''
2017-07-31 23:13:54,696 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (TVTunes:14) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-31 23:13:54,697 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (TVTunes:15) - TVTunes.GetMetadata() - 'themes' - title: '', title2: 'Kekkai Sensen', Prefs['themes']: 'TVTunes, Plex'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,083 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (TVTunes:19) - TVTunes.GetMetadata() - Return code: 'HTTP Error 404: Not Found', url: ''
2017-07-31 23:13:55,429 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (TVTunes:19) - TVTunes.GetMetadata() - Return code: 'HTTP Error 404: Not Found', url: ''
2017-07-31 23:13:55,430 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:98) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-31 23:13:55,430 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (__init__:99) - Update() - AniDBid: '10663', TVDBid: '289886', TMDbid: '', IMDbid: '', ANNid:'16340', MALid: '24439'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,431 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:258) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-31 23:13:55,432 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:274) - common.write_logs() - anime-list AniDBid missing : []
2017-07-31 23:13:55,432 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:274) - common.write_logs() - anime-list studio logos    : []
2017-07-31 23:13:55,433 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:274) - common.write_logs() - AniDB summaries missing    : []
2017-07-31 23:13:55,434 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:274) - common.write_logs() - Plex themes missing        : []
2017-07-31 23:13:55,434 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:274) - common.write_logs() - TVDB posters missing       : []
2017-07-31 23:13:55,435 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:274) - common.write_logs() - Missing Specials           : ["AniDBid: <a href='' target='_blank'>10663</a> | Title: 'Kekkai Sensen' | Missing Episodes: ['s0e2']"]
2017-07-31 23:13:55,461 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:274) - common.write_logs() - Missing Episodes           : []
2017-07-31 23:13:55,461 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:274) - common.write_logs() - AniDB posters missing      : []
2017-07-31 23:13:55,462 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:274) - common.write_logs() - anime-list TVDBid missing  : []
2017-07-31 23:13:55,463 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:274) - common.write_logs() - TVDB season posters missing: []
2017-07-31 23:13:55,463 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:274) - common.write_logs() - Missing Special Summaries  : []
2017-07-31 23:13:55,464 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (common:274) - common.write_logs() - Missing Episode Summaries  : []
2017-07-31 23:13:55,465 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:429) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-31 23:13:55,465 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:430) - common.UpdateMeta() - List of Metadata Sources and their movie/serie, season, episodes fields gathered
2017-07-31 23:13:55,466 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:432) - - AniDB            : status                  (  1) | rating                  (  1) | genres                  ( 14) | roles                   ( 13) | originally_available_at (  1) | title                   (  1) | title_sort              (  1) | original_title          (  1) | summary                 (  1) | posters                 (  1) | duration                (  1) | seasons                 (  2)
2017-07-31 23:13:55,468 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:516) -   - Seasons   (  2): summary                 (  1)
2017-07-31 23:13:55,469 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:516) -   - Episodes  ( 16): duration                ( 16) | rating                  ( 15) | title                   ( 16) | originally_available_at ( 16)
2017-07-31 23:13:55,470 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:432) - - Plex             : themes                  (  1)
2017-07-31 23:13:55,470 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:432) - - TheMovieDb       : rating                  (  1) | art                     (  1) | originally_available_at (  1) | countries               (  1) | summary                 (  1) | posters                 (  1)
2017-07-31 23:13:55,471 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:516) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-31 23:13:55,471 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:516) - Plex.UpdateMeta() - Metadata Fields (items #), type, source provider, value, 
2017-07-31 23:13:55,473 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] genres                   (14)  Type: list                  Source: AniDB        Value: '['Vampire', 'Magic', 'Martial arts', 'Fantasy world', 'Earth', 'New york', 'United states', 'Americas', 'Parallel universe', 'Action', 'Science fiction', 'Fantasy', 'Comedy', 'Disaster']'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,477 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] tags                           Type: SetObject             Source: 'MyAnimeList', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,481 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] collections                    Type: SetObject             Source: 'AnimeLists, AniDB, TheTVDB, MyAnimeList, TheMovieDb, OMDb', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,483 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] duration                       Type: int                   Source: AniDB        Value: '27'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,484 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] rating                         Type: float                 Source: AniDB        Value: '5.43'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,485 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] title                          Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'Kekkai Sensen'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,486 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] summary                        Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'A breach between Earth and the netherworlds has opened up over the city of New Y..'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,488 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] originally_available_at        Type: date                  Source: AniDB        Value: '2015-04-05'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,492 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] reviews                        Type: SetObject             Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,495 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] extras                         Type: MediaContainer        Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,496 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] countries                ( 1)  Type: list                  Source: TheMovieDb   Value: '['JP']'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,500 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] rating_count                   Type: NoneType              Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,504 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] content_rating                 Type: NoneType              Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,508 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] studio                         Type: NoneType              Source: 'AnimeLists, AniDB, TheTVDB, TheMovieDb', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,509 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] countries                ( 1)  Type: list                  Source: TheMovieDb   Value: '['JP']'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,511 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [3] posters                  ( 1)  Type: dict                  Source: TheMovieDb   Value: '{'': ('TheMovieDb/poster/7EiNMN4TkZtKYquwu0XRKbru7Yv.jpg', 90, None)}'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,512 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:226) - url: '', num: '90', filename: 'TheMovieDb/poster/7EiNMN4TkZtKYquwu0XRKbru7Yv.jpg' Not in Plex but threshold exceded or thumbs/themes agent setting not selected
2017-07-31 23:13:55,516 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] banners                        Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,518 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [2] art                      ( 1)  Type: dict                  Source: TheMovieDb   Value: '{'': ('TheMovieDb/artwork/ct5N8tALcEEOCXwwXGk5ButRW7S.jpg', 90, '')}'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,519 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:226) - url: '', num: '90', filename: 'TheMovieDb/artwork/ct5N8tALcEEOCXwwXGk5ButRW7S.jpg' Not in Plex but threshold exceded or thumbs/themes agent setting not selected
2017-07-31 23:13:55,520 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] themes                   ( 1)  Type: dict                  Source: Plex         Value: '{'': ('Plex/289886.mp3', 2, None)}'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,523 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] roles                    (13)  Type: list                  Source: AniDB        Value: '[{'photo': '', 'role': 'Klaus V. Reinherz', 'name': 'Koyama Rikiya'}, {'photo': '', 'role': 'Zapp Renfro', 'name': 'Nakai Kazuya'}, {'photo': '', 'role': 'Leonardo Watch', 'name': 'Sakaguchi Daisuke'}, {'photo': '', 'role': 'Chain Sumeragi', 'name': 'Kobayashi Yuu'}, {'photo': '', 'role': 'Steven A. Starphase', 'name': 'Miyamoto Mitsuru'}, {'photo': '', 'role': 'K. K.', 'name': 'Orikasa Ai'}, {'photo': '', 'role': 'Sonic Speed Monkey', 'name': 'Uchida Yuuma'}, {'photo': '', 'role': 'Femt', 'name': 'Ishida Akira'}, {'photo': '', 'role': 'Zed O`Brien', 'name': 'Midorikawa Hikaru'}, {'photo': '', 'role': 'Blitz T Abrams', 'name': 'Ootsuka Akio'}, {'photo': '', 'role': 'White', 'name': 'Kugimiya Rie'}, {'photo': '', 'role': 'Zetsubouou', 'name': 'Kugimiya Rie'}, {'photo': '', 'role': 'Black', 'name': 'Kugimiya Rie'}]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,524 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] original_title                 Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'Kekkai Sensen'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,525 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] title_sort                     Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'Kekkai Sensen'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,528 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] rating_image                   Type: NoneType              Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,532 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] audience_rating                Type: NoneType              Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,536 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] audience_rating_image          Type: NoneType              Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,537 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - metadata.seasons[ 0]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-31 23:13:55,541 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] summary                        Type: NoneType              Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,545 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] posters                        Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'tvdb4, TheTVDB, TheMovieDb, FanartTV, AniDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,549 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] art                            Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB, TheMovieDb, FanartTV', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,550 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - metadata.seasons[ 0].episodes[  1]
2017-07-31 23:13:55,551 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] title                          Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'Sore Sae mo Saitei de Saikou na Hibi'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,555 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] summary                        Type: NoneType              Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,556 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] originally_available_at        Type: date                  Source: AniDB        Value: '2015-06-14'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,560 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] writers                        Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,563 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] directors                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,567 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] producers                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,570 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] guest_stars                    Type: SetObject             Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,571 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] rating                         Type: float                 Source: AniDB        Value: '1.17'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,574 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] thumbs                         Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,576 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] duration                       Type: int                   Source: AniDB        Value: '1500000'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,576 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - metadata.seasons[ 1]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-31 23:13:55,577 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] summary                        Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'A breach between Earth and the netherworlds has opened up over the city of New Y..'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,582 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] posters                        Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'tvdb4, TheTVDB, TheMovieDb, FanartTV, AniDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,586 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - [#] art                            Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB, TheMovieDb, FanartTV', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,587 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - metadata.seasons[ 1].episodes[  1]
2017-07-31 23:13:55,588 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] title                          Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'Mafuugai Kessha'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,592 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] summary                        Type: NoneType              Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,593 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] originally_available_at        Type: date                  Source: AniDB        Value: '2015-04-05'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,596 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] writers                        Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,600 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] directors                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,603 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] producers                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,607 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] guest_stars                    Type: SetObject             Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,608 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] rating                         Type: float                 Source: AniDB        Value: '3.93'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,611 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] thumbs                         Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,612 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] duration                       Type: int                   Source: AniDB        Value: '1500000'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,613 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - metadata.seasons[ 1].episodes[  2]
2017-07-31 23:13:55,614 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] title                          Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'Maboroshi no Ghost Wagon o Oe'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,617 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] summary                        Type: NoneType              Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,619 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] originally_available_at        Type: date                  Source: AniDB        Value: '2015-04-12'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,622 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] writers                        Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,626 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] directors                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,629 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] producers                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,632 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] guest_stars                    Type: SetObject             Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,633 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] rating                         Type: float                 Source: AniDB        Value: '3.17'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,637 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] thumbs                         Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,638 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] duration                       Type: int                   Source: AniDB        Value: '1500000'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,639 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - metadata.seasons[ 1].episodes[  3]
2017-07-31 23:13:55,640 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] title                          Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'Sekai to Sekai no Game'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,643 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] summary                        Type: NoneType              Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,644 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] originally_available_at        Type: date                  Source: AniDB        Value: '2015-04-19'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,648 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] writers                        Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,651 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] directors                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,655 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] producers                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,659 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] guest_stars                    Type: SetObject             Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,660 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] rating                         Type: float                 Source: AniDB        Value: '2.14'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,663 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] thumbs                         Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,664 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] duration                       Type: int                   Source: AniDB        Value: '1500000'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,665 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - metadata.seasons[ 1].episodes[  4]
2017-07-31 23:13:55,666 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] title                          Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'Blood Line Fever'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,669 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] summary                        Type: NoneType              Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,670 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] originally_available_at        Type: date                  Source: AniDB        Value: '2015-04-26'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,674 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] writers                        Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,677 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] directors                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,681 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] producers                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,684 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] guest_stars                    Type: SetObject             Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,685 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] rating                         Type: float                 Source: AniDB        Value: '2.87'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,689 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] thumbs                         Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,690 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] duration                       Type: int                   Source: AniDB        Value: '1500000'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,691 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - metadata.seasons[ 1].episodes[  5]
2017-07-31 23:13:55,692 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] title                          Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'Shingeki no Blood Hammer'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,695 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] summary                        Type: NoneType              Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,696 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] originally_available_at        Type: date                  Source: AniDB        Value: '2015-05-03'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,700 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] writers                        Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,703 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] directors                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,707 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] producers                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,710 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] guest_stars                    Type: SetObject             Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,711 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] rating                         Type: float                 Source: AniDB        Value: '2.43'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,715 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] thumbs                         Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,716 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] duration                       Type: int                   Source: AniDB        Value: '1500000'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,716 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - metadata.seasons[ 1].episodes[  6]
2017-07-31 23:13:55,717 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] title                          Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'Don't Forget to Don't Forget Me'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,721 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] summary                        Type: NoneType              Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,722 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] originally_available_at        Type: date                  Source: AniDB        Value: '2015-05-10'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,726 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] writers                        Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,729 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] directors                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,733 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] producers                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,736 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] guest_stars                    Type: SetObject             Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,737 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] rating                         Type: float                 Source: AniDB        Value: '2.40'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,741 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] thumbs                         Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,742 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] duration                       Type: int                   Source: AniDB        Value: '1500000'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,742 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - metadata.seasons[ 1].episodes[  7]
2017-07-31 23:13:55,743 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] title                          Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'Kenkyaku no Eden'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,747 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] summary                        Type: NoneType              Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,748 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] originally_available_at        Type: date                  Source: AniDB        Value: '2015-05-17'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,752 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] writers                        Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,755 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] directors                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,759 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] producers                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,762 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] guest_stars                    Type: SetObject             Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,763 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] rating                         Type: float                 Source: AniDB        Value: '2.26'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,767 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] thumbs                         Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,768 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] duration                       Type: int                   Source: AniDB        Value: '1500000'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,768 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - metadata.seasons[ 1].episodes[  8]
2017-07-31 23:13:55,769 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] title                          Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'Z no Ichiban Nagai Hi (Zenpen)'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,773 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] summary                        Type: NoneType              Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,774 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] originally_available_at        Type: date                  Source: AniDB        Value: '2015-05-24'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,778 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] writers                        Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,781 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] directors                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,785 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] producers                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,788 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] guest_stars                    Type: SetObject             Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,789 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] rating                         Type: float                 Source: AniDB        Value: '1.76'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,792 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] thumbs                         Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,794 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] duration                       Type: int                   Source: AniDB        Value: '1500000'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,794 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - metadata.seasons[ 1].episodes[  9]
2017-07-31 23:13:55,795 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] title                          Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'Z no Ichiban Nagai Hi (Kouhen)'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,799 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] summary                        Type: NoneType              Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,800 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] originally_available_at        Type: date                  Source: AniDB        Value: '2015-05-31'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,803 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] writers                        Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,807 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] directors                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,810 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] producers                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,814 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] guest_stars                    Type: SetObject             Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,815 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] rating                         Type: float                 Source: AniDB        Value: '2.01'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,818 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] thumbs                         Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,819 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] duration                       Type: int                   Source: AniDB        Value: '1500000'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,820 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - metadata.seasons[ 1].episodes[ 10]
2017-07-31 23:13:55,821 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] title                          Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'Run! Lunch!! Run!!! / To the End.'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,824 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] summary                        Type: NoneType              Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,826 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] originally_available_at        Type: date                  Source: AniDB        Value: '2015-06-07'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,829 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] writers                        Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,833 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] directors                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,836 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] producers                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,840 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] guest_stars                    Type: SetObject             Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,841 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] rating                         Type: float                 Source: AniDB        Value: '1.88'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,844 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] thumbs                         Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,845 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] duration                       Type: int                   Source: AniDB        Value: '1500000'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,846 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - metadata.seasons[ 1].episodes[ 11]
2017-07-31 23:13:55,847 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] title                          Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: 'Paint It Black'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,851 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] summary                        Type: NoneType              Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,852 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] originally_available_at        Type: date                  Source: AniDB        Value: '2015-06-21'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,855 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] writers                        Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,859 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] directors                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,862 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] producers                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,866 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] guest_stars                    Type: SetObject             Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,867 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] rating                         Type: float                 Source: AniDB        Value: '3.80'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,870 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] thumbs                         Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,871 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] duration                       Type: int                   Source: AniDB        Value: '1500000'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,872 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:524) - metadata.seasons[ 1].episodes[ 12]
2017-07-31 23:13:55,873 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] title                          Type: str                   Source: AniDB        Value: '"Hello, World!"'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,877 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] summary                        Type: NoneType              Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,878 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] originally_available_at        Type: date                  Source: AniDB        Value: '2015-10-04'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,881 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] writers                        Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,885 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] directors                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,888 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] producers                      Type: SetObject             Source: 'AniDB,TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,892 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] guest_stars                    Type: SetObject             Source: 'None', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,893 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] rating                         Type: float                 Source: AniDB        Value: '2.69'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,896 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:528) - [#] thumbs                         Type: ProxyContainerObject  Source: 'TheTVDB', Field present in this sources: '[]'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,897 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:423) - [=] duration                       Type: int                   Source: AniDB        Value: '3000000'
2017-07-31 23:13:55,898 (7fde69c36700) :  INFO (common:531) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-31 23:13:55,996 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (model:229) - Serializing to /volume1/Plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata/TV Shows/f/68c748c32db81ed5254f07cf4ba7c25b971a514.bundle/Contents/com.plexapp.agents.hama/Info.xml
2017-07-31 23:13:56,000 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (runtime:88) - Sending packed state data (104 bytes)
2017-07-31 23:13:56,001 (7fde69c36700) :  DEBUG (runtime:924) - Response: [200] str, 16 bytes
ZeroQI commented 6 years ago

2017-07-31 23:13:54,591 (7fde69c36700) : INFO (TheTVDB:19) - TheTVDB.GetMetadata() - TVDBid: '289886', IMDbid: '' 2017-07-31 23:13:54,608 (7fde69c36700) : DEBUG (common:210) - common.LoadFile() - CacheTime: 'Sun Jul 30 17:44:45 2017', Limit: 'Mon Jul 17 23:13:54 2017', url: '', Filename: 'TheTVDB/xml/289886.xml' loaded from cache 2017-07-31 23:13:54,610 (7fde69c36700) : INFO (common:210) - corrupted xml 2017-07-31 23:13:54,613 (7fde69c36700) : INFO (common:210) - still corrupted xml after normalization

delete file in cache is no longer corrupted I opened it in chrome gave no error, generally you get big xml error when corrupted If persists still let me know will need to reproduce If solved please close ticket as it behaved ok.

Thanks to your post next beta will delete xml corrupted file from cache automatically so it's not caching corrupted files so as soon as solved on tvdb site or others, it will cache the file with no xml errors new beta delete corrupted xml automatically now as well