ZeroQI / YouTube-Agent.bundle

Plex Metadata Agent for Movies and TV Series libraries
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Working perfectly for playlists, but not for channels #126

Open jcreek opened 1 year ago

jcreek commented 1 year ago

For example, I have downloaded the three videos at at the following paths:

My Plex library uses the youtube folder, with the scanner Absolute Series Scanner and the agent YouTubeSeries. I have specified my own YouTube API Key, and it looks like everything is set up correctly.

Plex displays this as a show called "Season 2020", with only two episodes: the 12 hour mental video and the wireless webcam video. Looking at the file info for both the latter has both the wireless webcam file and the desk setup file as being the same episode.


I have tested this with a variety of channels, using the @ format (like the example above), the user format (e.g. and the UC format (e.g. and they all have exactly the same issues.

Meanwhile, playlists work absolutely perfectly. For example, has video paths like:

Plex displays this entirely correctly.


I've read through the documentation and it seems like I'm doing the right things, putting the channel or playlist tag into the root folder name for the channel or playlist, including the video tags into the video file names, and structuring the folders in a sensible way. As I said, playlists are working perfectly, but channels are just not working correctly.

ZeroQI commented 1 year ago

you need playlist or channel id in series folder, but @channel are not supported for now, didn't even know they existed, it must be a new thing... => UCNVD6anBlMWPkQjK3mOKILg

It should be named like this: