ZeroQI / YouTube-Agent.bundle

Plex Metadata Agent for Movies and TV Series libraries
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Director vs Cast fields #139

Closed razordynamics closed 11 months ago

razordynamics commented 11 months ago

Hello, this is more of a question than an issue - why is it that some videos get scanned and have "Cast" in their metadata, and some only have "Director?" How can I configure the scanner to fill both Cast and Director fields consistently?

I'm using --write-info-json and --no-clean-json on yt-dlp. Is this issue a function of yt-dlp flags or scanner settings? My YT library is set up as Movies, not TV shows (by preference).

ZeroQI commented 11 months ago

Scanner do not fill cast or director metadata, the agent does that in two ways, playlist or channel, so i guess channel used for movie library...

Yt-dlp? Not supported, unsure if it creates the same files as youtube-dl

Support thread for agent: (proven or confident enough it's a bug. Include the symptoms, the logs mentionned above) (not sure if bug, if bug will create a gihub issue ticket)

Forum should gave been used according readme, closing. Fyi i do not use this agent personally so do not reproduce issues, i do answer if logs attached but do not revisit open tickets as you can see, and youtube agent is my less beloved project... I will transfer project ownership to whoever want to continue the support and development...