ZeroQI / YouTube-Agent.bundle

Plex Metadata Agent for Movies and TV Series libraries
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Added API Key support in UI and cleaned up code a bit. #7

Closed djmixman closed 6 years ago

ZeroQI commented 6 years ago

Hi djmixman, Thanks a lot for the changes, i really needed to add back the api key addition and appreciate the help as i am already kept quite busy, and i am starting to have a house built and will have less time from now on so i tried to solve any remaining issue between the ASS scanner and HAMA|YouTube agent...

I did manage the YouTube rewrite where i removed playlist per season folders which i have to remove from the ASS scanner. I am in the process of adding support for date based addition which will solve the reverse ordered playlist

Code notes:

I am sorry but i really hate the tabulation as a separator.... I know it is probably common and recommended however had i done that with the agent i would have done not even half the code as it would just bother me too much...

Am more than happy with the rest of the code apart the typo fix.

Thanks Benjamin

djmixman commented 6 years ago

I thought about the tab/spaces after I submitted everything. I was going to convert them back to spaces before I submitted it but I forgot. Im still trying to figure out git in terms of being able to just submit a piece of code and not every single little change. (ie just the api code and url changes) I'll play around with is some more and resubmit the API update.

As for the "typo" part, I didn't know what else to call it. When using the json_playlist_details it throws an error, but i'll submit a bug issue for that.

Going to close this for now and play with git some more. I'll have to make sure to make a mental note about the tabs ;)

ZeroQI commented 6 years ago

if you re-submit without tabs and the "typo" i include it straight away