ZeroXNoxus / dark-mode-5e

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Conflict with two modules that add Players section buttons. #12

Closed ChobitsCrazy closed 5 months ago

ChobitsCrazy commented 5 months ago

Seems to have a minor conflict with Item Piles and Rest Recovery for 5e. Both of these modueles add a pressable button underneath the Players pane and the button is hard to read/see. image

ZeroXNoxus commented 5 months ago

Fixed in next release, thanks for your contribution!

ChobitsCrazy commented 5 months ago

Oddly enough not sure what changed for this but now it's showing black on black. image

ZeroXNoxus commented 5 months ago

What Browser are you using?

ChobitsCrazy commented 5 months ago

The foundry install

ZeroXNoxus commented 5 months ago

I don't know what you mean by "the foundry install". I need the web browser you are using to display foundry on. For Chrome, the buttons look like this: image

This also works in Opera GX and Firefox.

ChobitsCrazy commented 5 months ago

You can download the installed version here (I guess this links to my profile) It's the Download Software link on the Foundry Page. image

I have Firefox as well, if I connect with a user on that I get the same: image

ZeroXNoxus commented 5 months ago

Ahhh, I see, the Desktop Application. I'll give it a look, I however haven't yet worked with this. I'll give you an update when I'm done!

ZeroXNoxus commented 5 months ago

I have Firefox as well, if I connect with a user on that I get the same:

I have just downloaded Firefox to make sure this issue is present, but I don't get the same button style: image

I have now tested DnD 5th Edition 3.0.X and 2.1.4. Are you sure you have the current version of Dark Mode (2.0.3) installed?

ChobitsCrazy commented 5 months ago

Let me double check

ChobitsCrazy commented 5 months ago

Ah that was the issue! I saw it update but I guess it didn't go to .3


ZeroXNoxus commented 5 months ago

You're welcome, thanks for your contribution. Let me know If you have any other issues with Dark Mode! Cheers!