ZeroXNoxus / dark-mode-5e

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Bug: Compendium Entry text unreadable with dark mode enabled #23

Closed DarcClan closed 4 months ago

DarcClan commented 4 months ago

When Dark mode is enabled you cannot easily read the items/text in a compendium

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Disable dark mode
  2. Open a compendium
  3. Enable dark mode
  4. See error


ZeroXNoxus commented 4 months ago

You are liekly not on the newest release of the Dark Mode module (2.0.8). Please make sure you update your module to the newest release before opening an issue. Cheers.

DarcClan commented 4 months ago

my apologies, I was still on 2.0.3, running 2.0.8 fixed it