Surround 4 sides of the block (not top/bottom) w/ covers from Forge Microblocks
On the bottom side of the block, place 2 strips on opposite sides, from Forge Microblocks
Break the original block places (the cobble)
Put a water source where the original block was
Stand under the water with a Mariculture Fishing Rod, and Fish looking straight up. I was using the wooden rod w/ maggot bait.
Crash should happen within 10 casts of the rod. The fault seems to be with the unsafe casting of a Forge Microblock into the Mariculture IUpgradable, as done by the SkyFishHandler from ExAliquo. If this is a base-Mariculture issue as well then let me know and I'll cross-post the issue.
Crash Log: Pack: Agrarian Skies 1.0.1
To Reproduce:
Crash should happen within 10 casts of the rod. The fault seems to be with the unsafe casting of a Forge Microblock into the Mariculture IUpgradable, as done by the SkyFishHandler from ExAliquo. If this is a base-Mariculture issue as well then let me know and I'll cross-post the issue.