Zet0rz / nZombies-Unlimited

nZombies Unlimited
MIT License
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Strange error that happens sometimes #56

Open Teacyn opened 5 years ago

Teacyn commented 5 years ago

Sorry for vague title, but this error is really inconsistent so I didn't know what to title the thread.

[ERROR] addons/nzombies-unlimited-master/gamemodes/nzombies-unlimited/gamemode/weapons.lua:695: attempt to call upvalue 'old' (a nil value)
  1. unknown - addons/nzombies-unlimited-master/gamemodes/nzombies-unlimited/gamemode/weapons.lua:695

Basically, sometimes whenever I start a game of nZu, part of my HUD vanishes. my grenade count and equipped melee, along with the buttons I need to press, are gone. If I press V to swing my melee, it works fine, but the above error prints out every time. This ALSO sometimes happens when buying a new gun, and sometimes it doesn't happen with seemingly random guns.

It also happens when I switch weapons.

Zet0rz commented 5 years ago

This error is known. A fix should come in 1.1. The error shouldn't be related to the HUD though.

Teacyn commented 5 years ago

Here's what it does to the HUD, sorry for not putting a screenshot https://i.imgur.com/0D8b8ya.png