Closed nam1962 closed 4 years ago
Thanks for the report, but I think, judging from the information you provided, that you may have misunderstood how Zettlr is supposed to work:
As for the part that right-clicking MD-files don't open as expected, I am not sure. It might indicate a bug, but I would need the info if it works with at least one directory open.
Hi, thanks for caring.
Additional info if it may help :
~]$ zettlr
[16616:1108/] [.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <- error from previous GL command
[16616:1108/] [.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <- error from previous GL command
[16616:1108/] [.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <- error from previous GL command
[16616:1108/] [.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <- error from previous GL command
Sorry for the late answer. Re-reading your issue it seems as if there's the too-many-directories-issue happening. Does address your issue?
Hi, sorry to be late myself ! ;) I don't think it's exactly the same : I just totally removed Zettlr & ~/.config/zettlr and still have the issue. (the files I look for are in -4 directory : /home/myself/Desktop/the_directory )
Again, I was able to use Zettlr 2 or 3 times with the same files.
Zettlr 1.4.3
Alright; would you mind testing out the 1.5 beta? I've switched to Electron 7 with this one, so maybe by updating the underlying framework it now works...?
Hi, sorry for the delay. on AUR has the same problem. …? I did not release such a version. Is it due to the AUR-Archives build process?
Ooops : 1.5.0-1
...Indeed a flatpak would do the job ;)
Flatpak? Mhmh … what do the AppImages say? Aren't these supposed to run on all platforms as well?
Well :
Hmhm, yes, it's surely worth considering, but I'm unsure whether or not this brings the changes wanted
I got a similar problem on manjaro.
I can't open the app from the desktop or GUI. I have to open the app in the terminal by typing:
sudo /opt/Zettlr/zettlr --no-sandbox
But I can't change the input method on Zettlr.
The warnning or error massage form the terminal was like following:
And I have tried the v1.6.0-4beta, I got the same problem.
Have you tried opening an issue on the Electron tracker? Because I strongly assume that this has to do with the framework, not with Zettlr …
Have you tried opening an issue on the Electron tracker? Because I strongly assume that this has to do with the framework, not with Zettlr … Well, I'll try it, thanks~
Perfect, if there's a fix, just give me a quick shot, and I'll upgrade to the respective Electron version, so that the next release will then work on Manjaro!
I edited the file in /usr/share/applications/Zettlr.desktop, it worked I changed the "Exec=/opt/Zettlr/zettlr %U" to "Exec=/opt/Zettlr/zettlr %U --no-sandbox" Then alll problems solved. But I don't know the reason. And maybe it is the problem of electron 8. The following warnings suggested something. "The default value of app.allowRendererProcessReuse is deprecated, it is currently "false". It will change to be "true" in Electron 9. For more information please check"
Ah, so the sandboxing is the problem; in this case I'd recommend you open up an issue over at the electron-repository, because this has to do with the framework, not Zettlr!
And concerning the warning: I'm aware of that, but it's nothing important for Zettlr!
@Sisi-Wiciel : what packaging do you use ? AUR (if yes, which one) ? AppImage ?
@Sisi-Wiciel : what packaging do you use ? AUR (if yes, which one) ? AppImage ?
I use the zettlr from AUR , named Zettlr rather than Zettlr-bin
Ah, so the sandboxing is the problem; in this case I'd recommend you open up an issue over at the electron-repository, because this has to do with the framework, not Zettlr!
And concerning the warning: I'm aware of that, but it's nothing important for Zettlr!
OK. I'll try it.
@nathanlesage [similar issue has been opened up]
@Sisi-Wiciel Thanks for the info!
I think
"Exec=/opt/Zettlr/zettlr %U" to "Exec=/opt/Zettlr/zettlr %U --no-sandbox"
We need that desktop entry for the AUR builds (other linux distributions seem to be unaffected), but the AUR builds are not mandated by me, so one would have to contact the developer (and, in case I can do something to the build scripts, get back in touch with me, obviously!)
No luck by me : even with --no-sandbox
I'm still stuck and unable to open .md (they are grayed)
If I go to preferences and try to change tab (I.e another tab than "general") Zettlr freezes, my fans start to scream and I see an Electron process requiring 2.3 Go.
This is the terminal feedback.
~]$ zettlr
(electron) The default value of app.allowRendererProcessReuse is deprecated, it is currently "false". It will change to be "true" in Electron 9. For more information please check
<--- Last few GCs --->
[5346:0x25bf59db6000] 87866 ms: Mark-sweep 2040.8 (2055.5) -> 2040.1 (2056.8) MB, 3181.5 / 0.7 ms (average mu = 0.066, current mu = 0.006) allocation failure scavenge might not succeed
[5346:0x25bf59db6000] 90815 ms: Mark-sweep 2042.1 (2056.8) -> 2041.3 (2057.5) MB, 2920.9 / 0.1 ms (average mu = 0.038, current mu = 0.010) allocation failure scavenge might not succeed
<--- JS stacktrace --->
==== JS stack trace =========================================
0: ExitFrame [pc: 0x5593b7161719]
Security context: 0x1ef7a01bf051 <String[#39]: file://E80BA6E92488F15CD4EB9A5DF2DB7B89>
1: /* anonymous */ [0x1e032212ca51] [/usr/lib/zettlr/renderer/assets/vue/vue-sidebar.js:~6] [pc=0x2228f67078d0](this=0x299b924ac8c1 <De map = 0x35d9f222b2b9>,0x1e6a08dd7831 <Object map = 0x35858aafeb31>)
2: new De [0x2fe7cc1745b9] [/usr/lib/zettlr/renderer/assets/vue/vue-sidebar.js:6] [bytecode=0x2db0eb63ac...
I'm still stuck and unable to open .md (they are grayed)
Wait a moment, did you try opening them using the "Open ..."-dialog of the app? If so, it's meant for directories, not standalone files (which can nonetheless be opened with Zettlr, but you have to right-click them and say "Open with ...") -- have a look at the Quick Start Guide for that.
If I go to preferences and try to change tab (I.e another tab than "general") Zettlr freezes
That is not good, but also seems to be an issue with Electron itself, not the Zettlr codebase
I tired 3 ways :
clicking on the folder icon, it opens the desktop folder, and I see all .md grayed
This opens the "Open …" command, which is meant for opening directories
clicking on the hamburger, then open - file and I see all .md grayed
This is the same as the toolbar option — meant for opening directories!
right clicking on a .md then "open with" it opens Zettlr... that stays empty... In all instances the call for resources is gigantic.
This is definitely not how it's supposed to be, but I currently assume it has to do with problems on Manjaro XFCE. I only write Zettlr's codebase, not the underlying binary :/
Well, as I also have the issue with AppImage, I'm not sure Manjaro Xfce is the culprit. (By the way, that's also why I continue to hint a Flatpak, that would eliminate the distro/version/flavor questions)
You puzzle me with this opening directory functionality. What is the use of opening directories and... just looking at them.
More precisely, how can "file" - "open" (or [Ctrl + O] not open a file. I've never seen such a feature !!!
I'm not sure Manjaro Xfce is the culprit
Didn't wanna imply that, I mistakenly forgot to add that electron on Manjaro seems to be the problem. Something with the framework is causing the problem, but I'm oblivious as to what …
(By the way, that's also why I continue to hint a Flatpak, that would eliminate the distro/version/flavor questions)
Isn't that what AppImage is supposed to do?!
You puzzle me with this opening directory functionality.
:D Long story short: Zettlr is meant as an "open once, forget the explorer"-solution. Not edit stand-alone files, but create full directories of Markdown notes which are managed within Zettlr. For instance, I have all these directories open all the time:
Whenever I need something, I just go into the respective directory and open the file from within Zettlr. I hate switching between explorer and app, I want to have this as immersive as it gets, and this is how I did it for Zettlr. Simply open one directory and store all your MD-files there. The root file-section is only for rare occasions when you have to edit MD-files not within any of your opened directories.
It should be clear in the docs, but if it isn't, please feel free to suggest changes to make it more verbose!
Hello ! One good news : I've been able to open a .md with the new 1.6.0-2 One problem : I can't use Zettlr because it freezes with a gigantic (Electron ?) RAM toll
For your question concerning the doc, nope its not cristal clear to me, I suggest you use the term "project" instead of "directory" as it's your specific logic.
Alternative to Flatpak because not only cross platform but also cross device & cross OS : use PWA like Marp web
Once Zettlr launched, nothing appears on left panel, if trying to create new file or new directory, nothing happens, if trying to open directory, all .md (and other) files are greyed, if trying to right click open .md with Zettlr, empty Zettlr opens.
Open Zettlr 1.4.3-1
Expected behaviour
`~]$ screenfetch
██████████████████ ████████ me@ordi ██████████████████ ████████ OS: Manjaro 18.1.2 Juhraya ██████████████████ ████████ Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.3.8-3-MANJARO ██████████████████ ████████ Uptime: 3h 52m ████████ ████████ Packages: 1716 ████████ ████████ ████████ Shell: bash 5.0.11 ████████ ████████ ████████ Resolution: 1366x768 ████████ ████████ ████████ DE: Xfce4 ████████ ████████ ████████ WM: Xfwm4 ████████ ████████ ████████ WM Theme: Agualemon ████████ ████████ ████████ GTK Theme: Adwaita [GTK2] ████████ ████████ ████████ Icon Theme: Numix-Circle ████████ ████████ ████████ Font: Noto Sans 9 ████████ ████████ ████████ Disk: 291G / 922G (34%) CPU: Intel Core i3-2350M @ 4x 2.3GHz [56.0°C] GPU: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Sandybridge Mobile RAM: 4491MiB / 11759MiB `
Additional information
~]$ cat .config/zettlr/config.json {"openPaths":[],"dialogPaths":{"askFileDialog":"","askDirDialog":"/home/asatysco2/Bureau/Test","askLangFileDialog":""},"window":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1366,"height":768,"max":true},"lastFile":null,"lastDir":null,"attachmentExtensions":[".pdf",".odt",".odp",".ods",".doc",".docx",".xls",".xlsx",".ppt",".pptx",".do",".r",".py",".sav",".zsav",".csv",".png",".jpg",".jpeg",".gif",".tiff"],"darkTheme":true,"alwaysReloadFiles":false,"autoDarkMode":"off","autoDarkModeStart":"22:00","autoDarkModeEnd":"06:00","fileMeta":true,"fileMetaTime":"modtime","hideDirs":true,"sorting":"natural","sortingTime":"modtime","muteLines":true,"sidebarMode":"thin","enableRMarkdown":false,"newFileNamePattern":"","newFileDontPrompt":false,"pandoc":"pandoc","xelatex":"xelatex","pandocCommand":"pandoc \"$infile$\" -f markdown $outflag$ $tpl$ $toc$ $tocdepth$ $citeproc$ $standalone$ --pdf-engine=xelatex -o \"$outfile$\"","export":{"dir":"temp","stripIDs":false,"stripTags":false,"stripLinks":"full","cslLibrary":"","cslStyle":""},"pdf":{"author":"Generated by Zettlr","keywords":"","papertype":"a4paper","pagenumbering":"gobble","tmargin":3,"rmargin":3,"bmargin":3,"lmargin":3,"margin_unit":"cm","lineheight":"1.5","mainfont":"Times New Roman","sansfont":"Arial","fontsize":12,"textpl":""},"zkn":{"idRE":"(\\d{14})","idGen":"%Y%M%D%h%m%s","linkStart":"[[","linkEnd":"]]"},"editor":{"autoCloseBrackets":true,"defaultSaveImagePath":"","homeEndBehaviour":true,"enableTableHelper":true,"indentUnit":4,"countChars":false,"boldFormatting":"**","italicFormatting":"_","readabilityAlgorithm":"dale-chall"},"display":{"theme":"berlin","imageWidth":100,"imageHeight":50,"renderCitations":false,"renderIframes":true,"renderImages":true,"renderLinks":true,"renderMath":true,"renderTasks":true,"renderHTags":false},"selectedDicts":["en-US","fr-FR"],"appLang":"fr-FR","debug":true,"checkForBeta":false,"uuid":"80e57922-43c8-4981-a7cb-93a6bb3f18d1"}