ZeusCodes-Official / DS-Olympus-

This repo will serve as the main file for project "DS Olympus".
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EDA-and-Perform-Modelling-on-Ionosphere-Dataset #176

Closed suy1968 closed 3 years ago

suy1968 commented 3 years ago


Project Description:

The following project aims to predict class using various technical specifications (features) as input to the logistic regression algorithms.

issue no: #176

Database Description:

Number of Instances: 351
Number of Attributes: 35 including the class attribute

Attribute Information: Target column :-

Class Feature Columns range- V1- V35

Libraries Involved:

  1. pandas
  2. Numpy
  3. Seaborn
  4. Matplotlib
  5. Sklearn
  6. scikit-plot
  7. pingouin

Conclusion:- The given dataset have target varibale and it is a type of binary class (0,1) its a Supervised machine learning task,after performing varius supervised machine learning models, i found Logistic Regression is most suitable model. hence Logistic Regression is implimented the Area under the curve is given by this model is 93%.

dethebera commented 3 years ago

@suy1968 check your folder name. Follow the guide provided in the readme.