ZeusWPI / Haldis

Haldis is your friendly neighbourhood servant. He exists so lazy fucks like you and me don't need to keep tabs of who is ordering what from where.
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Use OSM-API to fetch metadata #198

Open pietervdvn opened 2 years ago

pietervdvn commented 2 years ago

The API can be used via https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/<osmid, e.g. way/123>. If the header Accepts: application/json, a file such as the following is returned:

  "license": "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/",
  "elements": [
      "type": "node",
      "lat": 51.0267345,
      "lon": 3.7100248,
      "tags": {
        "addr:housenumber": "413",
        "addr:street": "Voskenslaan",
        "amenity": "fast_food",
        "cuisine": "friture",
        "delivery": "no",
        "diet:vegetarian": "yes",
        "friture:oil": "animal",
        "name": "De Fritoloog",
        "opening_hours": "Mo-Fr 11:30-14:00,17:00-22:30; Su 18:00-22:30",
        "takeaway": "yes",
        "website": "https://www.defritoloog.be/"

The tags you'll need are: 'phone', 'addr:*', 'website'. Furthermore, opening_hours can be really interesting too (and can be parsed with https://invent.kde.org/libraries/kopeninghours or https://github.com/opening-hours/pyopening_hours)