ZeusWPI / zauth

Zeus AUTHentication Service
MIT License
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Remember users are already logged in on non-origin requests, without giving them authorization. #157

Open rien opened 2 years ago

rien commented 2 years ago

In PR #155 we've added a page where users always have to confirm they want to start the authorization flow for a client. This is needed because our session cookie is SameSite=Strict so this cookie won't be sent when a user is redirected to zauth, unless the user does an interaction like clicking the "yes" button (issue #146).

I think a solution here would be to add a SameSite=Lax cookie with information about who is logged in, but which does not give authorization rights. When the authorization flow is started, the absence of this cookie would send the user directly to the login page. If such a cookie is present, we can present the new authorization page where the user has to confirm they want to login to the client with their user (similar as to how the Microsoft login works):


Special care should be taken to not give the Lax cookie rights to other authorizations, it should be purely to detect who could be logged in. One way to do this would be to not store the session id, but only the user's id or even the user's name.

chvp commented 2 years ago

I think this solution still leaves a weird flow. If a user is already logged in, and wants to authorize a client that needs a grant, they will be hit by two very similar screens one after another.

chvp commented 2 years ago

That scenario wouldn't be as bad if zauth remembered if a user already granted a client once, but looking at the code it doesn't seem like it does so.

rien commented 2 years ago

If a grant would required and the user is already logged in, we can just show the grant screen instead of the current authorization confirmation. I don't think this would lower our security, but it does make the flow more complex.

That said, we should indeed remember previous grants, but that's for another issue.

chvp commented 2 years ago

But that brings us back to the original issue, right? Where we don't have the session cookie until a manual action by the user.

rien commented 2 years ago

Not if we have a SameSite=Lax cookie with the user name.

Since the authorization request contains the client id, we know whether a grant is required or not. Thus, if a lax cookie is present, we can immediately show the grant page without even having to know if the user is actually logged in or not.

chvp commented 2 years ago

Hmm, my brain is unable to figure out right now what should happen in the case that the Lax cookie is wrong and the grant is granted, but that can probably be figured out when actually implementing this.

rien commented 2 years ago

When a grant is submitted (through a POST request), the controller will/should always check the session cookie. That way, an incorrect Lax cookie would just result in the user being shown an "unauthorized" screen.

Incorrect Lax cookies should also not occur in practice: these cookies should be encrypted (private) as well, so one should not be able to forge such a cookie.

We want to prevent that it is possible for a user to perform an OAuth2 flow initialized by a malicious client without consenting or noticing. The user should always be able to check whether they really want to authorize an application. In the case a grant is needed, the user is able to do this.