Zhang-xie / Wimuse

WiFi-based Multi-task Sensing
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not able to download dataset csida #1

Closed nisarnabeel closed 2 years ago

nisarnabeel commented 2 years ago

Hi i live in europe , i wanted to get access to csida dataset, however i m not used to baidu and stuff, could u provide alternatlively link, would be so kind for example to upload data on google drive or some other platform.

Thank you for making your codes public

Zhang-xie commented 2 years ago

Hi @nisarnabeel, sorry for the late reply. The CSIDA dataset has been uploaded to OneDrive: https://connecthkuhk-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/zhangxie_connect_hku_hk/ESi7Py0PlcpPvbKLiH2JdN0BuFbZea0Qhutm20SOadyHWw?e=tndHts Please go and check it.