ZhangGongjie / Meta-DETR

[T-PAMI 2022] Meta-DETR for Few-Shot Object Detection: Official PyTorch Implementation
MIT License
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Can you provide the t-SNE visualization code about mmdet? #65

Open Caltech-Z opened 1 year ago

Caltech-Z commented 1 year ago

Can you provide the t-SNE visualization code about mmdet? Thank you very much, and I am willing to communicate with you. I am very much looking forward to your reply.

ZhangGongjie commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I already left NTU and all my intermediate codes are not available now. Sorry about that.

Caltech-Z commented 1 year ago


It's fine, minor problem, thank you.

Zhengzkang commented 1 year ago

帅哥, 你好, 我可视化了用gt作为输入的roi feature,但是图中出现了一大块不同类集中的情况, 如下图所示的左下这一块, 请问这这个怎么解决嘞? Figure_1