ZhangGongjie / Meta-DETR

[T-PAMI 2022] Meta-DETR for Few-Shot Object Detection: Official PyTorch Implementation
MIT License
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How to evaluate the base training performance? #69

Open Jesse2hong opened 1 year ago

Jesse2hong commented 1 year ago

Hi there! thanks for sharing the great work! But I have a problem in evaluating the base training performance. I downloaded the pre_trained weights that you released, and conducted inference without any fine-tuning. Follows are my inference command and the results on base classes. I don't know why the performance is far worse than that you released. Could you please give me some clue?

python -u main.py \ --dataset_file coco_base \ --backbone resnet101 \ --num_feature_levels 1 \ --enc_layers 6 \ --dec_layers 6 \ --hidden_dim 256 \ --num_queries 300 \ --batch_size 2 \ --category_codes_cls_loss \ --resume path/to/checkpoint.pth \ --fewshot_finetune \ --fewshot_seed 1 \ --num_shots 10 \ --eval \ 2>&1 | tee ./log_inference.txt