ZhangXu0963 / NPC

The code of the paper "Negative Pre-aware for Noisy Cross-modal Matching" in AAAI 2024.
12 stars 2 forks source link

IndexError: list index out of range #1

Closed caoyan1998 closed 2 months ago

caoyan1998 commented 3 months ago

image = self.preprocess(Image.open(os.path.join(self.image_root, self.image_name[idx]))) # Image from PIL module 在这里一行会出现索引过长的问题,请问这是什么原因?俺没找出来原因(很菜的程序技术),露怯了,哈哈哈。

caoyan1998 commented 3 months ago

我知道了 我知道了 在params.py中没设置妥当

ZhangXu0963 commented 3 months ago

解决了就好,欢迎随时提问 : )