ZhangYuanhan-AI / CelebA-Spoof

[ECCV2020] A Large-Scale Face Anti-Spoofing Dataset
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Missing Attributes #38

Closed thisisbhavin closed 3 years ago

thisisbhavin commented 3 years ago


Abstract: CelebA-Spoof is a large-scale face anti-spoofing dataset that has 625,537 images from 10,177 subjects, which includes 43 rich attributes on face, illumination,environment and spoof types. Live image selected from the CelebA dataset.

But when I looked at all the JSON files in metas I found the following:

So essentially out of 625,537 images, only 561,575 images have those 43 attributes i.e. 63,962 images with missing attributes

Can you tell me if Im missing something here or these many images actually do not have attributes?

ZhangYuanhan-AI commented 3 years ago

We reserve part of the data is for the competition.