ZhaoZhibin / DL-based-Intelligent-Diagnosis-Benchmark

Source codes for the paper "Deep Learning Algorithms for Rotating Machinery Intelligent Diagnosis: An Open Source Benchmark Study"
MIT License
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Possible errors in XJTU dataset #1

Open bbelson2 opened 4 years ago

bbelson2 commented 4 years ago

First, thank you for making this large and useful body of work available on Github.

I think that in CNN_Datasets/R_A/datasets/XJTU.py line 39 should refer to datasetname2[j] and line 47 to datasetname3[k].

Also - similar changes for all other XJTU dataset files.

Best regards, Bruce

ZhaoZhibin commented 4 years ago

Thanks Bruce!

You are right. We realized this error and retested the XJTU dataset. I forgot to change the codes in the Github. Thanks again for reminding us.

Cheers, Zhibin