ZhaoZhibin / UDTL

Source codes for the paper "Applications of Unsupervised Deep Transfer Learning to Intelligent Fault Diagnosis: A Survey and Comparative Study" published in TIM
MIT License
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您好 有一个问题您能给解答一下吗 #13

Open jy2020-start opened 1 year ago

jy2020-start commented 1 year ago

赵老师 您好 麻烦请问一下 在标签不一致和多域模式下的UDTL 命令行代码怎么输入呢? 我在train_advanced.py中并没有找到相关的输入参数 麻烦您解惑一下 万分感激

chandu07 commented 1 year ago

@jy2020-start I used google translate and if it translated the question right, this is what you can do. You can provide the _--transfertask argument with the list of domains you want to consider for training and testing. For example, in case of PU dataset, if you want it to consider 0 and 1 domains for training and 2 and 3 for testing, input _--transfertask as [[0,1],[2,3]].

python train_advanced.py --transfer_task [[0,1],[2,3]] will run the default model with the multi domain training and adaptation for the above explained example.

jy2020-start commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your explanation,I understand your explanation of MULTIDOMAIN UDTL, but what are the command code parameters in case of LABEL-INCONSISTENT UDTL。

chandu07 commented 1 year ago

I missed that part, Label-Inconsistent version of UDTL isn't implemented here. It is linked separately and is also mentioned in this repo's description. You can refer to this.

jy2020-start commented 1 year ago

okay Thank you, your answer give me a lot of help