ZhaochongAn / COSeg

[CVPR 2024] This repo contains the code for our paper: Rethinking Few-shot 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
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How is the ground-truth label transferred to dense point clouds? #6

Open kasteric opened 2 weeks ago

kasteric commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, in the upsampling process, does the ground-truth label is set to be the original point that is localized in the same voxel, which is binary(0 or 1) ?

ZhaochongAn commented 5 days ago

Hello, the ground-truth labels maintain a 1-to-1 matching relationship with the points at that resolution. And we do not use groud-truth labels during unsampling process (which is non-learnable). For more issues, maybe referring to the specific part of the code could help clarify the questions.