Zhefan-Xu / VINS-PX4

Modified VINS-Mono/Fusion compatibale with PX4
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Mavros reference frames #1

Open patrickpoirier51 opened 11 months ago

patrickpoirier51 commented 11 months ago


I want to test VINS-Fusion on an ArduPilot FCU For this I need to feed mavros with the correct reference I see here: https://github.com/Zhefan-Xu/VINS-PX4/blob/main/VINS-Fusion/vins_estimator/launch/vins_stereo_d435i_px4.launch That you make many static_transform_publisher

My question is: How do you set the frame_id for viosion in Mavros (apm_config.yaml for ArduPilot) ? https://github.com/mavlink/mavros/blob/indigo-devel/mavros/launch/apm_config.yaml#L131


vision_pose: tf: listen: false # enable tf listener (disable topic subscribers) frame_id: "local_origin" child_frame_id: "vision" rate_limit: 10.0


giangdao1402 commented 4 months ago

Hi @patrickpoirier51 , do you got the answer ?