Zhehui-Huang / quad-swarm-rl

Additional environments compatible with OpenAI gym
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No heartbeat for components #46

Closed DHrobotman closed 2 months ago

DHrobotman commented 9 months ago
[2023-09-18 21:35:46,519][196071] No heartbeat for components :InferenceWorker_p0-w0 (337 seconds)
[2023-09-18 21:35:46,519][196071] Stopping training due to lack of heartbeats from <class 'sample_factory.algo.sampling.inference_worker.InferenceWorker‘>

When I start train.py, an error will occur. So how can I solve the problem and why does it happen? I hope you can help me answer this question

Zhehui-Huang commented 7 months ago

Could you send me how you setup training? For example, the command that you used for training and any necessary details that you think would help me know more details about your training?