Zhendong-Wang / Diffusion-Policies-for-Offline-RL

Apache License 2.0
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Unable to install dependencies #4

Open lucy2329 opened 1 year ago

lucy2329 commented 1 year ago

Hey, I can't seem to install and run it. What python version was used with this? Was it 3.9.15?

Zhendong-Wang commented 1 year ago

Hi there, thanks for your interest. The major dependencies are Pytorch, D4RL and MuJoCo. I used python 3.8 but python 3.9 should also work.

lucy2329 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your response! I get the following error when I run pip install -r requirements.txt: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch==1.10.1+cu111 (from -r requirements.txt). I had the same issue on both windows and ubuntu 20.

Was I supposed to use the requirements.txt only as a reference? Or am i okay running pip install -r requirements.txt?

Thanks, Vishal

Zhendong-Wang commented 1 year ago

The requirements.txt is generated from my local environment and works for me. For installing torch (cuda version), better reach out https://pytorch.org/, since different machines could have different situations, such as the cuda version.

lucy2329 commented 1 year ago

I went through it individually and manually installed the dependencies that threw issues. That resolved the issue for me! I can probably raise a PR with an updated requirements.txt file that works out of the box so others don't face the same issue in the future!