Zhendong-Wang / Diffusion-Policies-for-Offline-RL

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problems about the D4rl dateset #6

Closed daihuiao closed 1 year ago

daihuiao commented 1 year ago

I printed the reward information in the data set, but I got a particularly huge reward information, "Max return: 3780163.00, min: -6.61", and the trajectory length was 768445. Is there something wrong with the data set used?(env_name is walker2d-medium-expert-v2)

dataset = d4rl.qlearning_dataset(env)
for i in range(dataset["observations"].shape[0]):
    if not dataset["terminals"][i]:
    elif dataset["terminals"][i]:
print(f'Max return: {np.max(rewards):.2f}, min: {np.min(rewards):.2f}')
Zhendong-Wang commented 1 year ago

Hi there, I think this is because that the D4RL datasets contain trajectories without 'timeout' limits, which is different from the default gym env (usually T=1000). This helps the agent to learn where are the true terminals.

For more details, please reach out D4RL repo.

daihuiao commented 1 year ago

thank you for your reply