Zheng222 / DMFN

Image Fine-grained Inpainting (Winner Award of ECCVW AIM 2020 Extreme Inpainting Track1&Track2)
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test_issues #20

Open LYL-hub-source opened 2 years ago

LYL-hub-source commented 2 years ago

@Zheng222 Sorry to bother you again. When I test my image, I get the following error, a little confused, the path seems to be ok. Thank you very much!

Loading the checkpoint for G [outputs/DH_train/celeba-hq-regular/checkpoints/latest_G.pth] ... Number of test images in [DH]: 100 Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:/Project/Py_Project/image-inpainting/FG/DMFN-master/test.py", line 60, in _write_images(visual_images, 1, '%s/%s' % (opts.output_folder, img_paths[0].split('/')[-1])) File "D:\Project\Py_Project\image-inpainting\FG\DMFN-master\utils.py", line 15, in _write_images vutils.save_image(image_grid, file_name, nrow=1) File "F:\Download\Anaconda\envs\Pytorch\lib\site-packages\torchvision\utils.py", line 105, in save_image im.save(filename) File "F:\Download\Anaconda\envs\Pytorch\lib\site-packages\PIL\Image.py", line 2237, in save fp = builtins.open(filename, "w+b") OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: 'outputs/DH_train/celeba-hq-regular/images/D:\Project\Py_Project\image-inpainting\FG\DMFN-master\DunHuang_data\train_GT\401.jpg'

LYL-hub-source commented 2 years ago

@Zheng222 Hello,when I exchanged the path about '--config' , '--output_folder', and 'checkpoint' , but the code is not run successfuly. How can I do to run the test code. Thank you very much!

ifigs commented 2 years ago

Turns out the paths in the yaml file aren't correct! You'll have to get some of the paths to match as well as the name of the model to be used.