ZhengkunTian / rnn-transducer

A Pytorch Implementation of Transducer Model for End-to-End Speech Recognition
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“RuntimeError: CUDA out of the memory. ” happens during training(epoch:0(34%~36%)) #17

Open jinsongpan opened 4 years ago

jinsongpan commented 4 years ago

when I execute train.py as it mentioned in README.md, I met the problem in the topic[ RuntimeError: CUDA out of the memory. Tried to allocate 2.97GiB(GPU 0; 10.92GiB total capacity; 5.99GiB already allocated; 1.7GiB free; 8.63GiB resrved in total by Pytorch)]. Thougth I adjusted the configs[e.g.: bath size and feature dim] many times , but it didn't work. Why does this model suddenly need so much memory in the middle of training? could anyone give me a hand?