Zhiwei5 / Light-Bulb-Project

Assignment 1
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Milestone 4 #5

Open brinnaebent opened 5 years ago

brinnaebent commented 5 years ago

Schematic-Check the Arduino Uno header you are using and confirm that the pinout is correct. Confirm that the pins match the actual Arduino Uno. PCB-Routes connected. The board is very spread out. Work on making the board smaller. If you are making a shield, consider putting the components on the shield itself.

Zhiwei5 commented 5 years ago

Hi Brinnae, Many thanks for the feedback. May I ask what time this week you will be available so that I could ask you some questions regarding using a shield or a header. I planned to use headers at the first place but found could not figure out which pin on the headers should be connected so I switched to the shield. However, I also do not understand how to put components on the shield.

Thank you, Zhiwei