ZhiwenT / BCClong

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object 'rst' not found #1

Open HengruiH opened 1 year ago

HengruiH commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

I tried the example code in Vignettes, but got an error: Error in matrix(rst$PPI, ncol = num.cluster, byrow = TRUE) : object 'rst' not found

Thanks! Hengrui

qpmnguyen commented 1 year ago

The issue seems to be some sort of missing dependency for the function abind. See reprex below. I fixed it by installing the package abind.

filePath <- system.file("extdata", "epil.rds", package = "BCClong")
dat <- readRDS(filePath)
# example only, larger number of iteration required for accurate result
fit.BCC <-  BCClong::BCC.multi (
    mydat = list(dat$anxiety_scale,dat$depress_scale),
    dist = c("gaussian"),
    id = list(dat$id),
    time = list(dat$time),
    formula =list(y ~ time + (1|id)),
    num.cluster = 2,
    burn.in = 3,
    thin = 1,
    per =1,
    max.iter = 8)
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#> Running BCC Model
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#> Here's the original error message:
#> No such namespace: abind.
#> It took0seconds
#> Error in matrix(rst$PPI, ncol = num.cluster, byrow = TRUE): object 'rst' not found

Created on 2023-04-07 with reprex v2.0.2