Zhongdao / Towards-Realtime-MOT

Joint Detection and Embedding for fast multi-object tracking
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nID parameter for Darknet model initialization #110

Closed flysofast closed 4 years ago

flysofast commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to benchmark your jde.1088x608.uncertainty pre-trained model on CVPR19 dataset. I noticed that by default, your JDETracker initialize the Darknet model with nID = 14455. I have 3 questions:

Zhongdao commented 4 years ago

Yes, the nID parameter is supposed to be the total number of object identities in the whole joint dataset. For convenience (I am lazy), I use a large number 14455 since it is an estimation of the upper bound of the exact ID numbers. It seems better to use the exact ID number, but I think it is not a big problem if the number is larger than the exact nID. This is because the nID parameter is only used to initialize the cross-entropy classifier, I think if the classifier has some redundancy classes the performance will not be affected a lot.

Finally, I suggest you use the exact number of identities.

Zhongdao commented 4 years ago

By the way, do you test on the CVPR-19 training set or test set? Would you mind sharing me with your results? I would appreciate it. If you don't want to post it here in this issue, this is my email: wcd17@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn

Many thanks!

mheriyanto commented 3 years ago

Yes, the nID parameter is supposed to be the total number of object identities in the whole joint dataset. For convenience (I am lazy), I use a large number 14455 since it is an estimation of the upper bound of the exact ID numbers. It seems better to use the exact ID number, but I think it is not a big problem if the number is larger than the exact nID. This is because the nID parameter is only used to initialize the cross-entropy classifier, I think if the classifier has some redundancy classes the performance will not be affected a lot.

Finally, I suggest you use the exact number of identities.

Thanks for your explanation @Zhongdao