Zhongdao / Towards-Realtime-MOT

Joint Detection and Embedding for fast multi-object tracking
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Why the Det and Emb test are quite different from those in papers? #169

Closed guangyaooo closed 3 years ago

guangyaooo commented 4 years ago

Has anyone tested AP and TPR for the pre-trained model jde.uncertainty.pt? The results of my test are AP=80.54 and TPR@FAR =84, which are quite different from those of AP=83.0 and TPR=90.4 claimed in the paper. Except the batch_size=8 All other hyperparameters were set as default. The GPU used for this result is TITAN V. Part of the output for Detection test: image

Part of the output for Embeding test: image

salt-fisher commented 4 years ago

I have tested the mAP from the released pre-trained model.(Notice that the test dataset in configuration needs to be modified, the test dataset in paper only use Caltech). And i get a 0.8247 mAP, still a little lower than the 0.83 in paper. Beside, the released pre-trained model seems to train 60 epochs, while released code trains for 30 epochs

guangyaooo commented 4 years ago

I have tested the mAP from the released pre-trained model.(Notice that the test dataset in configuration needs to be modified, the test dataset in paper only use Caltech). And i get a 0.8247 mAP, still a little lower than the 0.83 in paper. Beside, the released pre-trained model seems to train 60 epochs, while released code trains for 30 epochs

Thank you very much, I'll try it again later. Did you test the TPR score for jde.uncertainty.pt?

Qizec commented 1 year ago

I have tested the mAP from the released pre-trained model.(Notice that the test dataset in configuration needs to be modified, the test dataset in paper only use Caltech). And i get a 0.8247 mAP, still a little lower than the 0.83 in paper. Beside, the released pre-trained model seems to train 60 epochs, while released code trains for 30 epochs

Thank you very much, I'll try it again later. Did you test the TPR score for jde.uncertainty.pt?

Excuse me ,What is your final TPR score and AP?thanks