Zhongdao / Towards-Realtime-MOT

Joint Detection and Embedding for fast multi-object tracking
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Dose anyone have a try to reproduce the model by a 60-epoch training process? #217

Open scuShaker opened 3 years ago

scuShaker commented 3 years ago

First,I found the jde.1088x608.uncertainty.pt is at epoch 60,so I started a training process for 60 epochs。All settings are original in the code includes the dataset setting。At last,I get a result with mAP=0.7888 while jde.1088x608.uncertainty.pt can attach mAP = 0.8209. Because of the gap in mAP, it also gets a lower MOTA metric。Dose anyone also take the experiment as mine?

oindrilasaha commented 3 years ago

Hi, I also tried the same and saw a difference with the reported metrics. Were you able to bridge the gap?