Parallel Tempering may be a useful way to achieve faster mixing and convergence. Thus we should support it as a meta ensemble.
Potential API:
class ParallelTempering(Ensemble):
def __init__(atoms, ensemble, Ts): # Or maybe momentum?
self.ensembles = [ensemble(atoms.copy(), temperature=T) for atoms, T in Ts]
def step():
if > .5:
for i in range(len(self.ensembles)-1):
e0 = self.ensembles[i]
e1 = self.ensembles[i+1]
a0 = e0.traj[-1]
a1 = e1.traj[-1]
T0 = e0.temperature
T1 = e1.temperature
p = min(1, exp(1/k * (a0.get_potential_energy() - a1.get_potential_energy())(1/T0- 1/T1)))
if p > rs.rand():
e1.temperature = T0
e0.temperature = T1
for e in self.ensembles:
Parallel Tempering may be a useful way to achieve faster mixing and convergence. Thus we should support it as a meta ensemble.
Potential API: