ZhouJankin / MultiMap3D

Use ORB-SLAM2 to build a metricmap and localization, fcaf3d to detect 3D objects, and build a tracker database to manage the objects detected.
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Are the SLAM part and the 3D target detection part independent? #2

Closed rookierobot closed 2 months ago

rookierobot commented 7 months ago

Hello! Are the SLAM part and the 3D target detection part independent? I want to apply the 3D target detection part to my own SLAM algorithm, but I don’t know how to do it? thank you for your reply!

ZhouJankin commented 7 months ago

Yes it is. You may check the mmdetection website for any implementation on your work.

rookierobot commented 6 months ago

Hello, thank you for your reply. The SLAM part and the 3D detection part of your project are connected through the ROS topic, so can I directly use the 3D detection part you wrote without compiling the SLAM part? I tried fcaf3d_sort_demo.py with mmdetection3d v1.2.0 installed, but I got some errors, such as:

  1. ImportError: cannot import name 'show_result_meshlab' from mmdet3d.apis' (/home/river/mmdetection3d/mmdet3d/apis/init.py)
  2. ImportError: cannot import name 'get_points_type' from 'mmdet3d.core.points' (unknown location)
  3. from jsk_recognition_msgs.msg import BoundingBox, BoundingBoxArray
  4. ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'jsk_recognition_msgs' from ModelType import ModelType ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ModelType' Is it because the mmdetection3d version I installed is wrong? Or is it because I didn't compile your entire project?
ZhouJankin commented 6 months ago

My mmdetection3d version is v1.0.0. Some errors relate to mmdet3d might be the version's problem. But the jsk_recognition_msgs should import by your self, just google and import those package and that would not be a big problem.

rookierobot commented 6 months ago

mmdetection3d version is v1.0.0rc0 or v1.0.0rc6, or others?

ZhouJankin commented 6 months ago
