ZieIony / MaterialRecents

Lollipop's Recents container
Apache License 2.0
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scrolling view #11

Open KaustubhSatam opened 7 years ago

KaustubhSatam commented 7 years ago

i want to show last item first and then the scrolling starts downwards any help where do i do the changes in your code for eg: i want to start from item 9 and scroll down for rest of the cards till item 0

zhaozihanzzh commented 6 years ago

For me, I use this: boolean isFirst = true; @Override protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) { if (isFirst) { scroll = getMaxScroll(); …… isFirst = false; } And it seems to work well. Maybe you can look at mine: https://github.com/MeCreationTeam/ME_MaterialRecent/blob/master/src/tk/zielony/materialrecents/RecentsList.java (I don't really understand why this way works, I'm just a learner.)