ZielonyTrojkat / Frozen-Farlands

Discover Serpulo's moon! Zilo - place with freezing atmosphere and challenging enemies!
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Mod causes a crash loop #32

Open epicEaston197 opened 8 months ago

epicEaston197 commented 8 months ago

When I downloaded and enabled this mod it caused a crash loop resulting in the previous instance failing to initialize and all mods being disabled

version: 146

Log last_log.txt

epicEaston197 commented 8 months ago

Just updated Java and i'm experiencing the same behavior

ZielonyTrojkat commented 8 months ago

I dont had any other issues like that, dont know whats causing that

epicEaston197 commented 8 months ago

Game display this then crashes the game constantly fails to initialize image image is there any info that I could give that could help debug the issue?

epicEaston197 commented 8 months ago

okay so I cleared all my game data and only had this mod enabled and I still experience the same issue

here's the log: last_log.txt

it looks like it's trying to find a module called "planet" and it doesn't exist resulting in a crash line 8 [E] rhino.JavaScriptException: Error: Module "planet" not found.

here's the log in text form if you don't want to download a file:

[I] [GL] Version: OpenGL 4.6.0 / ATI Technologies Inc. / Radeon RX 590 Series
[I] [GL] Max texture size: 16384
[I] [GL] Using OpenGL 2 context.
[I] [JAVA] Version: 1.8.0_391
[I] [RAM] Available: 247.5 MB
[I] [Mindustry] Version: 146
[I] Loaded mod 'moon mod' in 14.472899ms
[E] rhino.JavaScriptException: Error: Module "planet" not found. (main.js#3)
    at rhino.ScriptRuntime.throwError(ScriptRuntime.java:3939)
    at rhino.module.Require.getModule(Require.java:346)
    at rhino.module.Require.getExportedModuleInterface(Require.java:248)
    at rhino.module.Require.call(Require.java:202)
    at rhino.optimizer.OptRuntime.callName(OptRuntime.java:51)
    at rhino.gen.main_js_3._c_anonymous_1(main.js:3)
    at rhino.gen.main_js_3.call(main.js)
    at rhino.optimizer.OptRuntime.call0(OptRuntime.java:15)
    at rhino.gen.main_js_3._c_script_0(main.js:0)
    at rhino.gen.main_js_3.call(main.js)
    at rhino.ContextFactory.doTopCall(ContextFactory.java:328)
    at rhino.ScriptRuntime.doTopCall(ScriptRuntime.java:3114)
    at rhino.gen.main_js_3.call(main.js)
    at rhino.gen.main_js_3.exec(main.js)
    at rhino.Context.evaluateString(Context.java:989)
    at mindustry.mod.Scripts.run(Scripts.java:86)
    at mindustry.mod.Scripts.run(Scripts.java:76)
    at mindustry.mod.Mods.lambda$loadScripts$24(Mods.java:648)
    at arc.struct.Seq.each(Seq.java:182)
    at mindustry.mod.Mods.eachEnabled(Mods.java:790)
    at mindustry.mod.Mods.loadScripts(Mods.java:636)
    at mindustry.ClientLauncher.lambda$setup$4(ClientLauncher.java:159)
    at arc.assets.AssetManager$1.loadSync(AssetManager.java:333)
    at arc.assets.AssetLoadingTask.handleAsyncLoader(AssetLoadingTask.java:108)
    at arc.assets.AssetLoadingTask.update(AssetLoadingTask.java:73)
    at arc.assets.AssetManager.updateTask(AssetManager.java:590)
    at arc.assets.AssetManager.update(AssetManager.java:439)
    at arc.assets.AssetManager.update(AssetManager.java:464)
    at mindustry.ClientLauncher.update(ClientLauncher.java:215)
    at arc.backend.sdl.SdlApplication.listen(SdlApplication.java:204)
    at arc.backend.sdl.SdlApplication.loop(SdlApplication.java:192)
    at arc.backend.sdl.SdlApplication.<init>(SdlApplication.java:54)
    at mindustry.desktop.DesktopLauncher.main(DesktopLauncher.java:39)

[E] [moon-mod/main.js]: JavaScriptException: Error: Module "planet" not found. (main.js#3)
[I] Time to initialize modded scripts: 218.7376
[W] [ATG.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: flameRadius (DrawCrucibleFlame)
[W] [Alectro.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: burstSpacing (PowerTurret)
[W] [Alectro.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shots (PowerTurret)
[W] [Alectro.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: recoilAmount (PowerTurret)
[W] [Defragmentation.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: burstSpacing (PowerTurret)
[W] [Defragmentation.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shots (PowerTurret)
[W] [Defragmentation.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: recoilAmount (PowerTurret)
[W] [Defragmentation.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: firstShotDelay (LaserBulletType)
[W] [Defragmentation.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shotDelay (LaserBulletType)
[W] [Dragonfly.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: drawOutlines (ItemTurret)
[W] [Dragonfly.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: burstSpacing (ItemTurret)
[W] [Dragonfly.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shots (ItemTurret)
[W] [Dragonfly.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: recoilAmount (ItemTurret)
[W] [Dragonfly.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: heigth (BasicBulletType)
[W] [Fortress-music.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: isAir (LogicBlock)
[W] [Fortressspeaker.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: pause (GenericCrafter)
[W] [Frostbite.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: recoilAmount (LaserTurret)
[W] [Frostbite.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: restitution (LaserTurret)
[W] [Getharspeaker.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: pause (GenericCrafter)
[W] [Ghetar-music.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: isAir (LogicBlock)
[W] [Leech.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: burstSpacing (ContinuousTurret)
[W] [Leech.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shots (ContinuousTurret)
[W] [Leech.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: recoilAmount (ContinuousTurret)
[W] [Leech.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: length (PointLaserBulletType)
[W] [Leech.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: width (PointLaserBulletType)
[W] [MoonRay.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: burstSpacing (PowerTurret)
[W] [MoonRay.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shots (PowerTurret)
[W] [MoonRay.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: recoilAmount (PowerTurret)
[W] [Pike.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: burstSpacing (PowerTurret)
[W] [Pike.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shots (PowerTurret)
[W] [Pike.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: recoilAmount (PowerTurret)
[W] [Restart-missle.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shootEffect (Weapon)
[W] [Restart-missle.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: despawnHit (Weapon)
[W] [Restart-missle.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: despawnEffect (Weapon)
[W] [Restart.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: burstSpacing (ItemTurret)
[W] [Restart.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shots (ItemTurret)
[W] [Restart.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: smoothReloadSpeed (ItemTurret)
[W] [Restart.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: hidden (ItemTurret)
[W] [Solar-music.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: isAir (LogicBlock)
[W] [Solarspeaker.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: pause (GenericCrafter)
[W] [Stinger.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shots (ItemTurret)
[W] [Stinger.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: spread (ItemTurret)
[W] [Stinger.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: recoilAmount (ItemTurret)
[W] [Stinger.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: restitution (ItemTurret)
[W] [Stormer.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: basePrefix (ItemTurret)
[W] [Tide.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: spread (ShootPattern)
[W] [Zap.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: burstSpacing (ItemTurret)
[W] [Zap.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shots (ItemTurret)
[W] [Zap.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: recoilAmount (ItemTurret)
[W] [Zilo.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: sectorSize (Planet)
[W] [aerogel-factory.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: suffix (DrawLiquidTile)
[W] [aerogel.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: type (Item)
[W] [aluminium-foundry.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: generateEffectRange (GenericCrafter)
[W] [aluminium-foundry.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: effectChance (GenericCrafter)
[W] [aluminium-foundry.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: generateEffect (GenericCrafter)
[W] [aluminium.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: type (Item)
[W] [arcalith-mixer.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: suffix (DrawLiquidTile)
[W] [arcalith-synthesizer.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: suffix (DrawLiquidTile)
[W] [arcalith.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: cache (Liquid)
[W] [arcanite.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: type (Item)
[W] [arcanthium-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shootEffect (Weapon)
[W] [arcanthium-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: despawnHit (Weapon)
[W] [arcanthium-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: despawnEffect (Weapon)
[W] [arcanthium.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: type (Item)
[W] [axoflare4.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shootSoundVolume (Weapon)
[W] [axoflare5.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: heigth (BasicBulletType)
[W] [bauxite.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: type (Item)
[W] [burner.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: consumeEffect (Incinerator)
[W] [burner.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: power (Incinerator)
[W] [charged neptunium.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: type (Item)
[W] [cryo-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shootEffect (Weapon)
[W] [cryo-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: despawnHit (Weapon)
[W] [cryo-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: despawnEffect (Weapon)
[W] [cryoflare4.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: colors (BasicBulletType)
[W] [cryoflare4.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: collidesFloor (BasicBulletType)
[W] [cryogenic-generator.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: suffix (DrawLiquidTile)
[W] [cryogenium-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shootEffect (Weapon)
[W] [cryogenium-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: despawnHit (Weapon)
[W] [cryogenium-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: despawnEffect (Weapon)
[W] [cryogenium.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: type (Item)
[W] [cryomech.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: mechStepShake (UnitType)
[W] [cryomech.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: explodeRange (BasicBulletType)
[W] [cryomech2.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: mechStepShake (UnitType)
[W] [cryomech2.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: explodeRange (BasicBulletType)
[W] [cryomech3.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: mechStepShake (UnitType)
[W] [cryospider4.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shots (Weapon)
[W] [diamond.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: type (Item)
[W] [excisionflare.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: speed (Weapon)
[W] [flame-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: collidesGround (UnitType)
[W] [flame-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shootEffect (Weapon)
[W] [flame-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: despawnHit (Weapon)
[W] [flame-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: despawnEffect (Weapon)
[W] [frozen-message.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: instructionsPerTick (MessageBlock)
[W] [heater.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: suffix (DrawLiquidTile)
[W] [ice-shard.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: type (Item)
[W] [ionized-xenon.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: cache (Liquid)
[W] [ionized-xenon.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: parent (Liquid)
[W] [moonstone-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shootEffect (Weapon)
[W] [moonstone-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: despawnHit (Weapon)
[W] [moonstone-missile.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: despawnEffect (Weapon)
[W] [moonstone.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: type (Item)
[W] [payload-constructor.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: craftEffect (Constructor)
[W] [payload-constructor.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: updateEffect (Constructor)
[W] [pin.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: burstSpacing (ItemTurret)
[W] [pin.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: shots (ItemTurret)
[W] [pin.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: recoilAmount (ItemTurret)
[W] [pin.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: explodeRange (BasicBulletType)
[W] [reinforced-cryofabric.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: type (Item)
[W] [repair-field.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: phase (MendProjector)
[W] [repair-field.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: color (MendProjector)
[W] [resotank6.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: collidesFloor (BasicBulletType)
[W] [salmon.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: hitsize (UnitType)
[W] [shield.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: hidden (BaseShield)
[W] [xenon.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: cache (Liquid)
[W] [xenon.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: parent (Liquid)
[W] [yttrium.hjson]: Ignoring unknown field: type (Item)
[W] Sprite 'eror' in mod 'moon-mod' attempts to override a non-existent sprite. Ignoring.
[I] Total time to load: 6837ms

another question I would like to ask are you using any other mods to make this mod possible? if so I need those installed in order for this to work because it appears that there's a lot of missing content at least from what I can tell from the log file

26 seems to be a similar issue but it looks like it has a completely different cause from looking at the log file