I am pretty new to the zig build system and struggeling to setup ESP32-C3 support on my own repository using microzig as a dependency. Currently I have the following in my build.zig.zon file:
This can obviously not work as I am using the same url for both dependencies. How do I do this correctly?
Also I am a bit confused by the error message from zig build:
❯ zig build
/Users/jan/projects/open-sensor-platform/firmware/blink/build.zig:10:30: error: root struct of file 'build' has no member named 'init'
const microzig = MicroZig.init(b, .{});
/Users/jan/.cache/zig/p/12204ade9b0ef08b6787667a99396aa1e89e8a6dca1e25b62b9490e3ab8394a0383c/build.zig:1:1: note: struct declared here
const std = @import("std");
referenced by:
runBuild__anon_8411: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/zig/0.13.0/lib/zig/std/Build.zig:2116:27
main: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/zig/0.13.0/lib/zig/compiler/build_runner.zig:301:29
remaining reference traces hidden; use '-freference-trace' to see all reference traces
I'm new to this zig & this community but I was able to get the RP Pico to blinky in a separate repo.
Not sure it's helpful to you or others but I'll share it here just in case.
Hello together,
I am pretty new to the zig build system and struggeling to setup ESP32-C3 support on my own repository using microzig as a dependency. Currently I have the following in my build.zig.zon file:
This can obviously not work as I am using the same url for both dependencies. How do I do this correctly? Also I am a bit confused by the error message from
zig build
:Is this error even linked or completely unrelated? Feel free to also checkout our repository for the full setup: https://github.com/opendata-nuernberg/open-sensor-platform/tree/main/firmware/blink
Thanks for your help!