Ziggeo / android-sdk-demo

Ziggeo's Android Client SDK 2.0
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Changing Video quality or Camera facing has no effect #23

Closed abhisekm closed 5 years ago

abhisekm commented 5 years ago

Ziggeo ziggeo = new Ziggeo(APP_TOKEN, this); RecorderConfig config = new RecorderConfig.Builder() .callback(prepareCallback()) .quality(CameraView.QUALITY_LOW) .facing(CameraView.FACING_FRONT) .sendImmediately(false) .enableCoverShot(false) .maxDuration(20000) .build();

ziggeo.configureRecorder(config); ziggeo.startCameraRecorder();

I am using the above code, but quality and camera facing is not changing.

In file com.ziggeo.androidsdk.ui.fragments.BaseVideoRecorderFragment, init() function, getArguments() is always returning null when using ziggeo.startCameraRecorder() hence its skipping the init of variables from RecorderConfig and using default values. Can you see into this problem.

Thank you.

abhisekm commented 5 years ago

As a temporary fix, I am creating a custom CameraActivity class to add argument so that the init logic is not skipped.

CameraActivity.java gist

3akat commented 5 years ago

Hi @abhisekm, working on it.

3akat commented 5 years ago

Fixed, please take a look at the latest version.

abhisekm commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the quick fix.