ZikangYuan / liw_oam

[IROS 2023] A LiDAR-inertial-wheel odometry and mapping system based on BA framework.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Could bother author to upload kaist_2 and kaist_3 from baidu yun onto google drive? #10

Closed narutojxl closed 2 months ago

narutojxl commented 11 months ago

Hello doctor @ZikangYuan, I download kaist_2 and kaist_3, and then with ZikangYuan/kaist2bag tool to create bags. Edit the config file with path and desired topics config.yaml, use rosbag info velodyne_points.bag and rosbag info velocity.bag i can see the detailed info and rosbag play is also OK. But when as to about imu bags, they are all empty. I tried twice the process, but the result is the same, i don't figure out something is wrong. As for download speed from baidu yun is very very slow, could bother you to upload kaist_2 and kaist_3 from baidu yun onto google drive? Thanks for your help and time in advance! Best regards

jxl@hp:/media/jxl/Windows/bags/KAIST/urban02/urban02_old/test_bag$ rosbag info xsens_imu_data.bag path: xsens_imu_data.bag version: 2.0 size: 4.0 KB jxl@hp:/media/jxl/Windows/bags/KAIST/urban02/urban02_old/test_bag$ jxl@hp:/media/jxl/Windows/bags/KAIST/urban02/urban02_old/test_bag$ jxl@hp:/media/jxl/Windows/bags/KAIST/urban02/urban02_old/test_bag$ rosbag info imu_data_raw.bag path: imu_data_raw.bag version: 2.0 size: 4.0 KB jxl@hp:/media/jxl/Windows/bags/KAIST/urban02/urban02_old/test_bag$ jxl@hp:/media/jxl/Windows/bags/KAIST/urban02/urban02_old/test_bag$ rosbag info imu_mag.bag path: imu_mag.bag version: 2.0 size: 4.0 KB jxl@hp:/media/jxl/Windows/bags/KAIST/urban02/urban02_old/test_bag$

ZikangYuan commented 11 months ago

Ok, I am uploading all kaist bag.

narutojxl commented 11 months ago

Thanks doctor @ZikangYuan, very very much, close it now!

ZikangYuan commented 11 months ago

I'm sorry for misreading your issue. The Google Drive has a limited capacity of only 15GB, so I couldn't transfer the bag to Google Drive.