ZikangYuan / liw_oam

[IROS 2023] A LiDAR-inertial-wheel odometry and mapping system based on BA framework.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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关于NCLT数据集的应用 #8

Closed PigletPh closed 1 year ago

PigletPh commented 1 year ago

您好,想请教下我用nclt_to_rosbag_10Hz.py成功制作nclt的bag包。但是我用fast-lio2和liw_oam都能成功运行,用lio-sam运行bag包,rviz中没有任何显示,请问您能指导下吗,谢谢!这是我修改后的configure文件: lio_sam:


pointCloudTopic: "/points_raw" # Point cloud data imuTopic: "/imu_raw" # IMU data odomTopic: "odometry/imu" # IMU pre-preintegration odometry, same frequency as IMU gpsTopic: "odometry/gpsz" # GPS odometry topic from navsat, see module_navsat.launch file


lidarFrame: "base_link" baselinkFrame: "base_link" odometryFrame: "odom" mapFrame: "map"

GPS Settings

useImuHeadingInitialization: false # if using GPS data, set to "true" useGpsElevation: false # if GPS elevation is bad, set to "false" gpsCovThreshold: 2.0 # m^2, threshold for using GPS data poseCovThreshold: 25.0 # m^2, threshold for using GPS data

Export settings

savePCD: false # https://github.com/TixiaoShan/LIO-SAM/issues/3 savePCDDirectory: "/home/user/Desktop/scliosam/data/" # use global path, and end with "/"

warning: if you have already data in the above savePCDDirectory, it will all remove and remake them. Thus, backup is recommended if pre-made data exist.

Sensor Settings

sensor: velodyne # lidar sensor type, either 'velodyne' or 'ouster' N_SCAN: 32 # number of lidar channel (i.e., 16, 32, 64, 128) Horizon_SCAN: 1800 # lidar horizontal resolution (Velodyne:1800, Ouster:512,1024,2048) downsampleRate: 1 # default: 1. Downsample your data if too many points. i.e., 16 = 64 / 4, 16 = 16 / 1 lidarMinRange: 1.0 # default: 1.0, minimum lidar range to be used lidarMaxRange: 1000.0 # default: 1000.0, maximum lidar range to be used

IMU Settings

imuAccNoise: 0.1 imuGyrNoise: 0.1 imuAccBiasN: 0.0001 imuGyrBiasN: 0.0001 imuGravity: 9.80416 imuRPYWeight: 0.01

Extrinsics (lidar -> IMU, of NCLT dataset)

extrinsicTrans: [0.112, 0.176, -0.247] extrinsicRot: [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] extrinsicRPY: [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]

ZikangYuan commented 1 year ago


PigletPh commented 1 year ago

@ZikangYuan 好的,感谢您。另外我在用您这边的KAIST数据集时,跑fast-lio2时出现bag结束时,轨迹还没跑完,您能顺便发一下fast-lio2的kaist数据集配置嘛,十分感谢您。邮箱是712091209@qq.com,再次感谢您!

ZikangYuan commented 1 year ago


PigletPh commented 1 year ago

已发送至您邮箱。 您好,我下载您发的lio-sam。在跑NCLT数据集时,出现以下警告: [ WARN] [1688390957.872322420]: Large velocity, reset IMU-preintegration! 同时里程计开始漂移,如图 4 另外,kaist数据集的yaml也有问题,您看一下,谢谢!

Jopery commented 10 months ago



Jopery commented 10 months ago

@ZikangYuan 好的,感谢您。另外我在用您这边的KAIST数据集时,跑fast-lio2时出现bag结束时,轨迹还没跑完,您能顺便发一下fast-lio2的kaist数据集配置嘛,十分感谢您。邮箱是712091209@qq.com,再次感谢您!
