ZikangZhou / QCNet

[CVPR 2023] Query-Centric Trajectory Prediction
Apache License 2.0
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TimeoutError: The client socket has timed out after 1800s while trying to connect to (, 43971) #24

Open bharilya opened 9 months ago

bharilya commented 9 months ago

How to solve this issues? I am getting this error during training.

Catchip commented 9 months ago

Try to reduce the batch size. I solve this in this way.

9p15p commented 8 months ago

I have the same question.
I reduce the BS, but it does not work.

ZikangZhou commented 8 months ago

I didn't encounter such an error. Can restart the program solve this problem?

Elvinky commented 5 months ago

This error occurred during the pre-processing of data (creating the 'processed' directory, which includes *.pkl files)